• What is Pastured Poultry? “Pastured Poultry” refers to birds raised most of their lives on fresh growing pasture. Our chickens will spend only their first 2 weeks or so in a brooder. The remaining 6 weeks they will live in bottomless, protected pens which are moved around the pasture daily… just like the Joel Salatin model. Daily rotation provides our birds with fresh grass & bugs, prevents disease, and ensures these naturally lazy broilers get the exercise necessary for a healthy (& delicious) chicken.
• What Will Our Chickens Eat? Our pasture provides about 10% of the nutrition for our chickens. The rest is provided by a custom NON-GMO Project Verified grain ration containing: shelled corn, roasted soybeans, oats, alfalfa meal, fishmeal & aragonite calcium. We will use organic grains whenever possible. Again, the same ration Salatin uses to include Fertrell Nutri-balancer. There is no acceptable feed available locally, thus we truck in from out of state which adds to the cost. See this link: http://www.fertrell.com/video_polyface_hs.html
•Processing? Processing is a critical step in providing safe, quality meat. We process our chickens on the farm, by hand. Although not inspected by any regulatory agency, we follow guidelines established by the USDA. Our small batches allow us to take the care the mega-facilities cannot in ensuring that dressing is done in a clean, safe, and meticulous manner.
The process starts a minimum 12 weeks before the broilers are ready when we order the baby chicks and buy the Non-GMO feed. Day old Cornish X Rock chicks arrive and spend about 3 weeks in a brooder and are then moved onto pasture. They are processed at 8-weeks old and will average 5# each
“We cooked two of your chickens over the past few days and I was really impressed with the difference and freshness. I don't think I'll ever be able to stomach supermarket chickens again!” J Perry
“I really like how transparent you are!” L Thomas
Broilers are packaged in a vacuum sealed bag and are ready for cooking or freezing!
As a member of APPPA (American Pastured Poultry Producers Association) we utilize specific farming concepts as it pertains to raising poultry. They recently produced the following video which does a great job explaining our methods, it's benefits, and sustainability. Please take time to watch and share with others!