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Pastured Pigs

Beginning in 2015 we added pastured pigs to our farm product offering. 

We have selected Tamworth as the best breed. Tamworth’s are one of the oldest heritage pig breeds and were first imported into the U.S. around the middle of the 1800’s.

Tamworth hogs are known as the “Bacon Breed” because of their deep sides that produce lean meat and flavorsome bacon. They were favored the most by bacon curers because of their length and depth of sides, less waste, and their large portion of lean red meat to fat. And, Tamworth’s are highly suited and adaptable to both quality pork and bacon production, especially in grazing operations. Tamworth hogs are red in color with a long head, straight face & snout, and a long narrow body. Sows make excellent mothers and are very attentive to their young piglets. Taste improves with the redness of the meat. Tamworth’s show a good conversion on pasture and are naturally disease resistant and tolerant of temperature extremes. They are very hardy, rugged, and particularly suited for grazing, salvaging crops, and following behind grazing cows.
