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Lard Rendered - Leaf

Lard Rendered - Leaf

1 pint | pkg

If you've tried our regular lard by the pint and you're ready for something new, check out Nature's Gourmet Farm's leaf lard products. Whereas our regular pints are made from back fat, leaf products are gathered from the fat around the loin and kidneys. This makes this product very smooth and creamy, and it's perfect for any baking you might be doing!

Pastured pork fat has the added benefit of being rich in vitamin D!

The next time you find yourself making a pie crust from scratch, reach for a pint of leaf lard. Nature's Gourmet Farm's fresh leaf lard is rich in flavor. You will love using it as a substitute for just about any oil you would have in baked goods.

It's also the best way to get a fluffy texture for frying donuts, cakes, and biscuits. The unique properties will give you flaky, moist layers to any baked goods without additional effort from you!

We recommend leaf lard to anyone who loves baking and is looking for a fresh, natural way to change up a traditional recipe. And the best way to get fresh leaf lard is to get it from a local farm like Nature's Gourmet who is committed to fresh, natural products.

Get your very own today for pick up from our website!