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Michael Pollan’s food advice hits the big screen

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January 9, 2016

Did you know? According to Michael Pollan, 4 of the top 10 things that will kill you are cronic diseases linked to diet. Pollen claims the average person makes over 200 decisions about food each day and these decisions are nearly unconscious to us. Michael Pollan addresses these important issues in this new documentary entitled "In Defense of Food." Watch the trailer!

In Defense of Food - Trailer from Kikim Media on Vimeo.

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Food deserts are regions where people have limited access to healthful and affordable food. This may be due to having a low income or having to travel farther to find healthful food options. Without access to healthful foods, people living in food deserts may be at higher risk of diet-related conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and micro-nutrient deficiencies. Medical News Today I would offer additional considerations to include: 1. In 2016 a study was made that determined MS imports $8.5 billion dollars worth of food. That was more than a billion greater than farm commodity crops generated in sales that year.

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