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Farm Update

written by

Ben Simmons

posted on

February 1, 2018

Last week I
shared a short video about two things you can do today for your health - 1) be informed and 2) take action.

That is how Beth took charge of improving her health. Some specific things shedid was to cut out sugar and processed foods as well as greater emphasis oneating from local farms with naturally raised foods to the greatest extent possible! 

I followed a similar path for our farm. When we started back in 2009 the mainstream literature my Dad used as well as extension service
guidance were all about conventional or industrial agriculture practices. These practices create an unhealthy, un-natural addiction to
synthetic fertilizers to make grass grow and herbicides to kill weeds. 

We quickly learned this addiction was a vicious downward circle. Fortunately, we found The Stockman Grass Farmer and learned about Joel Salatin
who we visited in 2011. Then, V. Mac Baldwin in NC and the Grass Fed Exchange and Gabe Brown in ND who we visited in 2012. As well as many many others along the way. What's important is we had to first peel the onion back and think for ourselves - to look deeper. 

What we have found "beyond" the mainstream conventional thinking is a "back to Nature" way of looking at our farm. To look at it
holistically as an EcoSystem. 

Across our great country are numerous small farms - success stories - that have kicked the conventional agriculture addiction and converted their farms to a regenerative EcoSystem and are direct marketing their farm products to health-conscious customers straight from the farm and or at convenient pickup locations. This is the model we follow at Nature's Gourmet Farm.

We have learned that regenerative is not a destination but is a journey and we work hard every day to be good stewards of God's blessings.

Are you interested in going with us on this journey? We will give current customers a $10 store credit for all referrals that signup and make a
purchase on our website. Your referral will also receive a $10 store credit. 

Customer Feedback- 

I didn't want to write my review too soon since we haven't sampled everything we purchased, but WOW, WOW, WOW! I just couldn't wait! I put a chuck roast in the crock pot yesterday and it was out of this world good! Flavor explosion and melt-in-your-mouth tender! We are still talking about it this morning! (Please pay attention to the cooking tips for grass fed meat and pay attention to liquid...this meat is so lean!) Also made sausage gravy for breakfast - also very lean and no "mystery chunks". Delish! Looking forward to cooking up some of our ribs, chops, bacon...OH MY! Customer service and convenient pick up locations can't be beat! Shelley L.

Quote Worth Re-Quoting –  “When a livestock farmer is willing to “practice complexity”—to choreograph the symbiosis of several different animals, each of which has been allowed to behave and eat as it evolved to—he will find he has little need for machinery, fertilizer, and, most strikingly, chemicals. He finds he has no sanitation problem or any of the diseases that result from raising a single animal in a crowded monoculture and
then feeding it things it wasn’t designed to eat. This is perhaps the greatest efficiency of a farm treated as a biological system: health.” Michael Pollan

As always, thank you for supporting our regenerative, local farm.

Ben & Beth

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