Restock Dates: Please see our Farm Blog where we post our weekly newsletter for the latest updates

Thank You

written by

Ben Simmons

posted on

February 1, 2018

Farm Update –

We wanted to start by saying a very warm THANK YOU for supporting our farm with your food dollars. We could not operate our farm without your support.

2017 was our first full year taking orders via our website and making deliveries. About 650 have signed up to be customers and almost 700 receive our Newsletter Updates. We saw a big swing in beef buying habits away from custom processed to ala carte selection from our online inventory. We now offer 50 items all raised right here on our farm and delivered to six locations in South Mississippi.

A very positive change for us was adding the hens and having Beth manage that enterprise as well as working along with me on other farm activities. She is a real blessing I don't take for granted! As you know, NGF eggs can be found in Corner Market, Sunflower, and Grocery Depot stores as well as Vitamin's Plus. Cotton Blues also uses NGF eggs in their amazing pies. And, now McDaniel's General Merchandise in McHenry carries our eggs. Folks really appreciate our quality!!!

January's - I have decided January is my least favorite month. It can be a really stressful month probably more for me then the animals. It is either cold & wet (muddy) or hot & wet (muddy). But, I guess we have to have January's to better appreciate Spring Time.

FYI - I have been asked to speak at the MACD (MS Association of Conservation Districts) at the Jackson Hilton on County Line Road. My part starts at 1030. If you are in the area, please stop by.

Have you ever thought about the definition of "Real Farm Food"? I would like to hear your thoughts.

Valentine's Day - is just around the corner. Now is a good time to get your steak orders placed to ensure availability (we will also pickup more from the processor the end of January). February delivery dates are the week prior to February 14th. Check our these steak selections:



Rib-Eye, Boneless

New York Strip

Rib-Eye, Bone-In



Customer Feedback- 

If you've come to the conclusion that factory farming is no longer a healthy option for your family, this is the place to buy from locally. Best beef, you taste the difference for sure! Looking forward to trying the chicken next.

While the prices are great for grass fed and finished beef, they are and should be higher than what you get at the grocery store. If you feel that you can't afford it, my advice is to eat less but high quality meat instead.

Best of all is the customer service and knowing the people that raise your meat. Thanks Ben!

S. Epstein

Quote Worth Re-Quoting –  “eat all the junk food you want as long as you cook it yourself.”  --Michael Pollan

As always, thank you for supporting our regenerative, local farm.

Ben & Beth

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Pullets arrived March 1st– every 6 months we receive a fresh batch of pullets. This year we were not sure if our late February to early March batch would be available…even though we ordered them last September. However, mostly since we have done business with the same farmer since the Spring of 2017, he prioritized our order and delivered them March 1st. While the price was higher, I was braced for a much higher price. Our pullets are typically 17 weeks old when delivered. They will start laying at about 24 weeks. That means we should start seeing medium eggs by our May delivery dates. YEAH!

Eggs | Broken State GVT

Interesting Egg Article– the price and availability of eggs is a hot topic as well as a solution. Industry and regulators (maybe also include media) would have you believe it is because of bird flu. But, is it bird flu OR some other agenda? Beth received a link to an article from Farm Action out of Mexico, MO who have sent a letter to the FTC and DOJ urging them to investigate and take action to restore competition and lower eggs prices. Key facts Farm Action quoted are: Key Pricing Facts:

Half Beef Shares | Egg Pricing | Visitor Stories

NEW Egg Ordering Process – As you know, eggs are not only expensive, but are now being rationed by grocery stores. We have had our share of extra folks contacting us because our prices are lower than grocery stores. This reminds us of March 2020 when our freezer went from FULL to EMPTY before we knew what was happening. I would say 95% or more of those who first bought during Covid left when store shelves filled back up. We are NOT interested in customers shopping price, but only customers interested in our quality products.