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Defining Real Farm Food

written by

Ben Simmons

posted on

March 3, 2018

Farm Update –

You may remember a few weeks back I asked "What Is Real Farm Food"? A good definition from Nourished Kitchen - "In the simplest explanation, traditional foods focused on four basic principles: 1) avoidance of modern, refined foods; 2) celebration of unrefined, whole and natural foods;
3) respecting the importance of nutrient-density in our food and 4) preparing and eating foods in the same manner that nourished our ancestors and kept them well. In essence, if your great-great-great grandmother wouldn't recognize it, don't put it in your mouth."

So, peeling the onion back, What Does Real Nourishing Food Look Like?  

Grass Fed to Finished Pastured Meats: meaning animals that have been raised and fed as they were intended when created, with
grass underneath and the sun overhead. Using all parts of the animal including the bones for nourishing broths.

Eggs: from hens that are pastured, roaming free with lots of sunlight

Fats: such as butter from grass fed cows, unrefined coconut oil, ghee, extra virgin olive oil, tallow, and lard.

Grains and Legumes: whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds. 

Fruits and Veggies: preferable in season and grown as locally as possible using organic practices.

Dairy: raw (or low heat pasteurized) and full fat from grass fed cows.

I would add that it is extremely important to know what your beef, pork, hens (eggs), and chicken eat because it directly affects the nutrient density and healthiness of the meat & eggs. That is why we DO NOT use and GMO feeds.

Customer Feedback- 

The quality of the meats is unsurpassed. The eggs are the best available. These products are not only better for you, they taste much better too! D Allen

Quote Worth Re-Quoting –  "Don't eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize as food" Micheal Pollan

As always, thank you for supporting our regenerative, local farm.

Ben & Beth

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