Restock Dates: Please see our Farm Blog where we post our weekly newsletter for the latest updates

Fall Is In The Air - Finally

written by

Ben Simmons

posted on

October 23, 2018

Farm Update - It sure has been a long hot summer that has extended into Fall. However, in the last few days the evenings and early morning have shown a hint of cooler weather. October is typically a transition month where the temperature cools down and the air is much dryer. This is great for harvesting crops. By now our summer grasses have stopped growing and we have pastures stockpiled for grazing through November. However, this will be shortened if we continue to have a lot of rain & humidity that destroys forage quality.

We now require the cows to graze summer grasses shorter then during the growing season as we adapt our management to the needs of the land, animals, and seasons. As soon as we move them to a fresh paddock I move in and replant with our cool season mix. This year we have 3-clovers plus a forage pea that will go in all paddocks. Some paddocks will get an Elbon Rye that helps to suppress Spring weeds, some paddocks will get Cosque Oats, and some will be planted in an Oat/Rye Grass blend. All paddocks will also receive our new employees - the Mycorrhizal Fungi.

Hope you noticed we are at batch 7 of 8 chickens for this year. We have plenty available for batch 7 that will be available next Saturday. We also restocked on beef yesterday.

Last full week to place your orders before pickup on Oct 17th.

Customer Feedback-
"I got my first fresh chickens from your farm earlier this month and want to let you know how impressed I was. I’ve only cooked one, but I am sure the others will be just as good. What really impressed me was how clean the bird was, inside and out, and the fact that there were no hidden globs of extra fat. In addition, when we cut into the chicken, there was no evidence internal bruises or bleeding (patches of blood infused meat). Best of all, the meat tasted clean. Thank you for a wonderful product." Theresa R.

Quote Worth Re-Quoting – “Cooking from scratch is the most important thing we could do as a family to improve our health and overall well being." ~Michael Pollan

As always, thank you for supporting our regenerative, local farm.
Ben & Beth

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