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HEALTH: The #1 Reason Customers Choose NGF

written by

Ben Simmons

posted on

August 31, 2019

Product Update –

1) Chicken- We will process our sixth batch of chickens September 13th. Individual pieces will be added to our store for orders on September 14th - just ahead of September 18th delivery date.

2)Beef - Individual cuts - we added individual cuts to our store and are fully stocked

Custom Half Beef - if you are interested in getting a half beef it is not to late. Simply follow this link
to place your deposit.

3) Pork- Individual cuts - we added individual cuts to our store and are fully stocked. Since last Sunday we have more than 36 orders for pork. If you are looking for a half or whole pig - our next processing date will be late September.

4) Eggs- Egg production has slowed down - mostly from the older hens. Our new hens arrived August 16th and oh my, the older girls were not happy. You would not believe the fuss and drama from them.... fortunately after a week they are starting to settle in. The new hens should start laying very soon.

Hey, this is Ben. HEALTH: The #1 reason folks choose Nature’s Gourmet Farm products. 

Research confirms more and more consumers are choosing “Real Farm Food” vs. processed food stuff to improve their health. They know something is wrong when chronic disease has increased from 4% of U.S. citizens in 1964 to more than 50% of U.S. children today.

We hear you loud and clear! That is our life’s work - to raise healthy, nutrient dense beef, pork, chicken, and eggs that are GMO FREE, Chemical FREE, and antibiotic & hormone FREE.

We believe that healthy soil grows healthy plants that feed healthy animals that nourish healthy families. At Nature’s Gourmet Farm we have 5-proven operating principles we practice for soil health to include- no-tillage to grow soil structure; keep the soil surface covered; forage diversity in our pastures; maintain living roots year round; and integration of livestock.

About 18 months ago I introduced you to Dr. Nasha Winters. You may remember she is a CEO, bestselling author, naturopath, and oncology specialist. Her journey with cutting out sugar and fueling her body through ketosis began after her own battle with stage 4 cancer three decades ago. As a result of her own experiences with alternative medicines and practices, she pursued education in naturopathic medicine and Chinese medicine to be better able to help others struggling as she had. Dr. Winters believes in treating the patient as a whole, both mind and body, and that approach is what she teaches to physicians today.

Dr. Nasha states, “Diet is an integral part of treating the whole body. How could it not be when it is the source of fuel that allows the body to function or misfunction? I believe strongly in providing the body with whole food sources, eliminating processed foods and oils, fasting, and striving for ketosis. However, whether the patient decides to enter a state of ketosis is up to them, be it via fasting, eating to the ketone meter, or through a strict ketogenic diet. But one thing is for sure: sugar and processed foods do not have a place in a healthy thriving body, let alone one battling cancer”.

This fall Dr. Winters will speak at the Acres USA Conference on the subject “Connecting the Dots Between Soil Health, Food Health, and Human Health. I'm looking forward to hearing what she has to say.

Amazon reviews of her book were very interesting – especially the one by Christine Clalabrese dated July 25, 2018. Check them out here

Have you made plans for Labor Day cookout? We have plenty of premium quality steaks and ground beef in stock for farm pickup.

Beth & I thank you for supporting local (integrity) regenerative food sources to create a food system that nourishes healthy families, better for the animals welfare, better for regenerating the land and better for a healthy community. That is the only way to make a positive impact.

Customer Feedback- "Wow! Grass fed beef at or below supermarket prices right in my back yard. Their beef is not only better tasting its light years better for you. These guys are the read deal, have been to the farm myself:. Paul D.

Quote Worth Re-Quoting – “People are fed by the food industry, which pays no attention to health, and are treated by the health industry, which pays no attention to food” ~Wendell Berry

Thank you for supporting our regenerative, local farm.
Ben & Beth

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