Restock Dates: Please see our Farm Blog where we post our weekly newsletter for the latest updates

A Common Customer Theme

written by

Ben Simmons

posted on

September 21, 2019

Product Update –

1) Chicken- We will process our seventh batch of chickens October 10th. Individual pieces will be added to our store for orders on October 11th - just ahead of October 16th delivery date.

2) Beef - Individual cuts - are fully stocked

Custom Half Beef - if you are interested in getting a half beef it is not to late. Simply follow this link
to place your deposit. Next Processing Date is October 21st.

3) Pork- Individual cuts - pork chops sold out September delivery. All other items are fully stocked. If you are looking for a half or whole pig - our Last Processing Date for 2019 will be October 28th

4) Eggs- Our new hens have been here 5-weeks now and are starting to lay. Very soon we will have plenty of eggs for your family's needs.

Hey, this is Ben. A common theme from customers we hear is "We are so glad we found y'all! Many go on to explain family health problems they are trying to solve or now grocery store food just does not taste like it is suppose to as well as concerns about all the chemicals, antibiotics, and hormones (and other stuff) that industrial grown "food" has.

That is why our farm exist - to provide a healthier food choice to support your family's need for beef, pork, chicken, and eggs. It's hard work and long hours, but our reward comes when families express how much our farm makes a difference in their family. We really appreciate your kind words.

Many customers have learned to ask the right questions. Like Matt did Friday, he asked "is your beef also grass finished?" See, he had bought some beef that was advertised as grass-fed so he bought some. Later, he learned it was also grain finished - which is not what he wanted. He had already learned the value of true pasture raised animals to the quality of his food.

Many will say you cannot finished beef on pasture in Mississippi in our hot summers. Well, maybe they cannot, but we are doing it! Our healthy soils provide nutrition to our diverse summer annuals and the animals have thrived. Example is the steer below processed in late June with a hanging weight of 885 and a great fat profile. The ones we took in July, August, and September excelled as well.


The steer to my right is from our farm and dressed 885#. Notice the nice fat profile. He will be a great eating experience.

At Nature's Gourmet Farm you can trust our products to be:
* True Pastured Raised
* 100% Non-GMO
* Free of chemicals & drugs
* Ethically Raised

Beth & I thank you for supporting local (integrity) regenerative food sources to create a food system that nourishes healthy families, that is better for the animals welfare, that is better for regenerating the land and that builds healthy communities. That is the only way to make a positive impact with your food dollars.

Customer Feedback - "Meat is awesome! Byron said he wants another big one if the cow is large. That one was the best..." ~Angela H

Quote Worth Requoting: These words were spoken on the floor of the U.S. Senate by Wyoming Senator John B. Kendrick in 1921.

“[Agriculture] has been brought to such a high degree of concentration that it is dominated by few men. The big packers, so called, stand between hundreds of thousands of producers on one hand and millions of consumers on the other. They have their fingers on the pulse of both the producing and consuming markets and are in such a position of strategic advantage they have unrestrained power to manipulate both markets to their own advantage and to the disadvantage of over 99 percent of the people of the country. Such power is too great, Mr. President, to repose in the hands of any men.”

Ben & Beth

More from the blog

Update: Raw Milk | Wintering Our Chickens

Raw Milk – So, work has been done that will help our efforts be successful when trying to influence politicians to support Food Freedom, i.e. where small farms can raise and sell into commerce and consumers have the freedom to choose who they buy from. Last week I had an hour conversation with the Director of the TX based Farm & Ranch Freedom Alliance. They were helpful in Louisiana changing their laws to support raw milk. It was very clear that it requires knowing the current law(s) and what the end game needs to be. And, sometimes change comes by winning a battle at a time to accomplish the final solution.

Beef & Egg Pricing Updates

Beef Pricing – I wanted to take a moment to highlight my research on what the beef market is doing and what 2025 pricing could look like. First, Live Cattle Futures have been trading in a very tight horizontal range for at least the past two months with the upper limit in the $191.50 per pound area. December 31st price broke out ABOVE the prior top, came down and retested the breakout level, and then by January 3rd hit a new high just over $196 per pound live weight.

NEW Ocean Springs Pickup Location | Bacon, Bacon, Bacon

"NEW" Ocean Springs Pickup Location – During our December delivery a representative of the property owner stopped to say we could no longer use their location to meet customers. I queried our December customers and received several suggestions. The recommendation we decided on was the Park & Ride lot located in the SW intersection of I-10 and Hwy 609 (Washington Ave.). This is next door to Denny's. Here is a link to the updated details including a map showing where to meet us beginning January 4th. In many ways this location is much better than the Ace parking lot. I know for us it will be nice not to have the traffic on Hwy 90 especially when there are events scheduled in downtown OS.