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Announcing New Products & Sale Items!

written by

Ben Simmons

posted on

August 30, 2021

Our email last week about Food Security was among the largest percentage open rate and generated one of our best "Orders Placed" to date. And, best of all only three (3) folks decided to unsubscribe (I expected the number to be much higher).

August is typically a slow month for sales as families focus on back to school. However, this year sales are very good. When you read the Product Updates below you will see that we are well stocked for the fall. So glad to have our new freezer!!!

NEW ITEMS: we have just added a couple of new items to our website that you might be interested in.

The first is called a Skirt Steak. You will love this cut for fajitas or stir fry, with good marbling and thin meat this 100% Grassfed skirt steak wants fast and high heat cooking. Try your favorite marinade or rub in some salt and pepper, then cut the strips across the grain of the meat for the best mouth feel.

We also added Country Style Pork Ribs. You know that Nature's Gourmet Farm is going to give you the most flavorful cuts of meat because of our pasture-raised, well-treated pigs. But we don't stop there. We're ready to give you the very best Country Style pork ribs you can get your hands on. These are just about the meatiest cuts of pork from the hog's shoulder that you can get anywhere. Whether you're having a family cook-out or throwing these in the oven or smoker, this is a delectable addition to your plate.

SALE Items:
1) Beef Ribs - Sold Out

2) Pork Shoulder Roast/Boston Butt
- marked down $1.25 from $7.25/lb. to $6.00/lb. Save 17%

3) 3# Whole Chicken - price rollback to $3.90 lb.
We are getting a bit heavy on 3-4# whole chicken inventory and have decided to offer a rollback sale to $3.90 per lb. This will give our customers an extra incentive to maybe test one of the "bragging" recipes submitted by Nature's Gourmet Farm customers. I know many folks are looking for the larger 5+ lb. chickens, but we are cutting most of them into breast, leg quarters, and wings to sell - and still have a hard time keeping up.

Here is the link to the recipes:
Submitted by Jamie
Submitted by Shelley

And, if you are looking for a video tutorial for cutting up a whole chicken then check out Daniel Salatin as he demonstrates to a group at their PolyFace Farm in VA.

NEW HENS: Our new hens have been on the farm for 2-weeks and are starting to settle in. At first they were very shy and scared of their own shadow! Now, they come out to greet us and don't mind being around us as we take care of them. Here is a recent picture Beth took-


As always, we thank you for rewarding our hard work with your trust and support.

More from the blog

Ben Answer's Customer Questions About Chicken

This week I would like to answer two questions asked by new/prospective customers. The first question is: A customer asked if Nature’s Gourmet Farm “bleaches” our chicken during processing? ANSWER: Never! While bleaching is the standard method used by commercial raised chicken plants to kill pathogens, here at Nature’s Gourmet Farm we find at our very small family owned and operated plant that is not needed. And, our lab testing confirms this. Since becoming USDA in 2019 our chicken is tested and we have never had any instance of pathogens reported by our outside testing lab.

Community IS Something You Can Give

Lot's of very positive comments from last weeks Newsletter. Vanessa gave me permission to share her reply. Here goes- You have known my stance. They are trying to modify us to break our connection to our Creator. To be "unnatural" is to be without God. The definition for "sin" is "without God". These modified foods may be without the light of God, but I think no matter how injured we are, we can always find our way home. Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows. It's what I have always lived by. Our energy/attention is very valuable?

What's The Latest With Beef

Friday morning before 7a.m., a young mother called inquiring about buying chicken and beef. She had recently read where Moderna had received $175 million from the US Government to develop mRNA vaccines for our food supply. This greatly troubled her as a mother and unvaccinated RN. We understand! And felt the same. Equally disturbing is a quote from a prior CDC Director who stated the next pandemic will involve the avian flu. Is this their way of communicating what they are working on next - after Covid? A customer introduced me to Tracy Thurman who writes for the Brownstone Institute