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Compelling Purpose

written by

Ben Simmons

posted on

February 2, 2025

Good morning from your Farmer(s),


  1. 1. Compelling Purpose
  2. 2. Product Availability Update

Compelling Purpose – "What gets you out of bed in the morning?" The answer is your purpose, and if you don't have a compelling reason or purpose, you're likely to burn out and/or fail.

A brief testimony- folks who knew me in high school or even while on active duty Air Force in Plattsburg, NY would not have thought I would have ever amounted to much in life. Additionally, I was one of those who had to really study to make decent grades - even in college. (I was always jealous of folks like the dietian student in Statistics class who never studied, but made straight "A's"). Thus, I found myself in the help labs often.

What I did have was persistence and perserverence! Spend the time, do the work to understand and succeed. Someone asked me a few days ago what made the difference? I'm not really sure that I can name just one thing. Frankly, I would say the difference was to care for my wife and children, and the demands, challenges, discipline, and maturity gained from Army Officer Candidate School - for example January 1986 before being accepted into OCS we were given a PT (physical training) test which I failed miserably.

The Assistant Commandant, LT COL Mimms said 3 things to succeed in OCS you must: 1) Get your body in shape; 2) get your head on straight; and 3) get your act together. So, I started exercising and PUSHING myself not to just do the minimum, but the maximum. By the time we started OCS in May, I could run the two miles in 12.5 minutes - about a minute less than the best time on the chart for my age.

Recently, Joel Salatin in one of his "Musings" wrote: "The U.S. has fallen out of the top countries on the "Happiness Index." Since the early 1960s we've gone from 3 percent obese to 60 percent. Food allergies, autism, auto-immune disorders and teen suicide were practically nonexistent. Bird flu, E. coli, Salmonella, and camphylobacter were not in the lexicon and certainly not part of public discourse."

Hopefully, you have also heard RFK, Jr and others discuss the chronic illness epidemic in the United States where most will have at least one if not two chronic illnesses AND how much of the cause is found in the food people choose to consume...mainly refined seed oils, ultra processed foods, and sugar.

Mississippi is a food desert!!! You would not think so with all the available (unused) land around. This week I heard Joel S. say that even in America one in five bites you take was imported! That surprised me.

Then supposedly there is a FEMA report that said in 2025 there will be major food shortages. Report highlighted the Ukraine war where that country is responsible for 10% of the world's wheat and 15% of the world's corn supply - and this will be the second year they have not planted. Additionally, their infrastructure and transportation is destroyed.

Compelling reasons become compelling purpose! Several of our customers are now growing and raising at least some of their family's food. I'm thinking of one man at the moment who moved out of town and bought several acres with a house. He is now raising vegetables, meat chickens, and eggs. And, he has included extras to sell that pays for his food. Pretty smart I would say.

Did you know there are 30 million (yes, with an "M") acres in America devoted to yards? Yards that are fertilized, sprayed, and mowed with clippings set out by the road to be picked up and put into a landfill. In Joel's podcast he stated 60% of what is put into the landfill is compostable and 40% is edible by chickens and pigs. So what is missing is integration. Integrating kitchen scraps with backyard chickens vs. landfilling. And, you get fresh eggs.

Do you remember my blog post about the family in San Diego whose house set on 1/4 acre lot? They did not have any yard, but rather an edible landscape. Not only did they raise enough vegetables, berries, fruits, etc., but sold about $20,000 worth to their neighbors each year. Seems like that would go a long way to pay property taxes, house notes, etc. vs. expense of fertilizing, spraying, and mowing.

This week I was speaking to a friend and customer in Madison about this "edible yard" concept and he told me about a company in the Jackson area called Cedar Hill Gardens that offers design, installation, and consulting for folks interested in "backyard" gardening. That's really cool.

Sunshine, fresh air, and having real vegetables to eat sure beats Netflix and ballgames!

So, what is your Compelling Purpose?

At Nature's Gourmet Farm, our intent is to create a community that evolves around one of the most intrinsically important things of the ages, and that’s the provision of sustenance. That's our passion - to raise healthy food to nourish families and strengthen immune systems.

If you are new to our farm then maybe you have been looking for premium ALL NATURAL GOODNESS of beef, pork, chicken, and eggs raised on pasture as God intended - with emphasis on Regenerative Principles and NOT conventionally raised animals (with growth hormones, drugs, chemicals, and antibiotics) - and where animals are treated humanely - then you have come to the right farm. Our delivery schedule and product availability are listed below along with order buttons that will take you to our website where you can browse over 90 product choices and place your order from the convenience of your home. It's that simple!

** Product Availability Update **

NOTE: Restocks are made about 6 PM on the dates indicated below!

Chicken - Restocked January 29th. Next Restock will be February 12th

Turkey - Restocked Ground Turkey, Wings, Legs, and Thighs November 22nd. It will be mid 2025 before the next restock.

Eggs - Restock each (NOW) TUESDAY PRIOR to YOUR delivery date.

Beef - Restocked January 26th. Next Restock will be February 21st.

Pork – Next Restock Patty & link Sausage week of Feb. 3rd. FRESH items February 12th. Smoked items follow 12-14 days later

Lamb - Restocked October 8th

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Apple Cider Vinegar

pple Cider Vinegar – What a busy week at the farm this week. Tuesday & Wednesday mornings were knee deep in chicken processing and then in the afternoons we were cutting and packing fresh pork items. Thursday is our standard order packing day! This week we had 107 orders between our farm, Magee, Flowood, and Madison pickup locations. Friday, Beth & I processed pork trim into fresh ground pork and patty sausage (my favorite - cooked then crumbled into a bowl of hot oatmeal).

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Raw Milk – So, work has been done that will help our efforts be successful when trying to influence politicians to support Food Freedom, i.e. where small farms can raise and sell into commerce and consumers have the freedom to choose who they buy from. Last week I had an hour conversation with the Director of the TX based Farm & Ranch Freedom Alliance. They were helpful in Louisiana changing their laws to support raw milk. It was very clear that it requires knowing the current law(s) and what the end game needs to be. And, sometimes change comes by winning a battle at a time to accomplish the final solution.