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Consumers Hold The Key!

written by

Ben Simmons

posted on

August 17, 2019

Product Update –
1) Chicken- We will process our fifth batch of chickens August 16th. Individual pieces will be added to our store for orders on August 17th - just ahead of August 21st delivery date.

2) Beef- Individual cuts - we added individual cuts to our store July 29th and are fully stocked

Custom Half Beef - if you are interested in getting a half beef it is not to late. Simply follow this link
to place your deposit.

3) Pork- We have some link & pattie sausage available. We have pork at the processor now that will be available late August (most likely after the 8/21 delivery date). If you are looking for a half or whole pig - our next processing date will be late September.

4) Eggs- Egg production has slowed down - mostly from the older hens. We've coordinated to receive younger hens scheduled to arrive August 16th so we can get them acclimated during the summer sales slump and be laying strong when demand picks up in the fall.

This week our sows had baby piggies! These guys are 4-days old and already there is sibling rivalry. We have about 25 the best we can tell.

Hey, this is Ben. Consumers hold the key to changing agriculture in America by voting with your food dollars. Currently, more then 95% of the beef sold through grocery stores, restaurants, and meat markets is raised in a feedlot on a corn diet. For pork & chicken it is even higher.

Research has documented the impact different farming practices have on our environment. The following chart shows the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere pound per pound of production. Only regenerative farming like we practice at Nature's Gourmet Farm do we reverse the release of carbon and sequester it into our soils. Key principles include: no-tillage, diverse forages, and grazing animal impact. Now, compare our practices to conventional feedlot beef that releases 33 pounds of carbon emissions for each pound of beef produced. Which product would you rather serve your family?


This steer pictured above is helping me move to the next pasture by opening the gate - seriously! He calls and brings the herd along and they readily follow him.

Have you made plans for Labor Day cookout? We have plenty of premium quality steaks in stock and our regularly scheduled delivery is this coming Wednesday, August 21st. Order deadline is Monday at midnight. Simply click the Order Now button above to be taken directly to our website.

This week we processed chicken with the inspectors available. This was a trial run so to speak. The challenge is to understand (get use to) the link between our HACCP Plan, record keeping, and actual practice. The inspectors have been very patient and helpful. Next step is to have the facility checkoff completed and HACCP Plan validated in the next 10 days or so.

Remember the podcast we did back in June with Bigger Pie Forum? Now all four episodes are available PLUS an episode with Commissioner Andy Gipson who speaks about the impact of local food and has a lot of good things to say about our farm. Check them out here.

Beth & I thank you for supporting local (integrity) regenerative food sources to create a food system that is better for the animals welfare, better for regenerating the land and better for a healthy community. That is the only way to make a positive impact.

Customer Feedback- Johnny from Laurel called me a few weeks back. He was very disappointed with store beef and wanted to try our beef. He said he had bought two boneless ribeyes from Kroger and that they were tough and tasteless. He said he paid $15 per pound. He liked it when I told him our hand-cut boneless ribeyes were only $14.50 per pound.

Quote Worth Re-Quoting – “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
― Hippocrates

Thank you for supporting our regenerative, local farm.
Ben & Beth

More from the blog

Do You Need A Half Beef? Must Read

Before I get into the main topic, let me share that our new mama cows are going great. They are settling in and now curious when we come around. For example, last Monday Jared picked up a load of chips for our chick brooder bedding and while unloading they eased up to see what we were doing. Very cool! Next, we want everyone to know that we are mostly FULLY STOCKED on beef, pork, eggs, and chicken. Its been a long time since we were last able to communicate that. Exceptions are filet, flank, and hanger steaks. Who bought all of those filets?

Exciting News From Our Farm

Before I share our exciting news let me update you on beef! You may remember that we communicated our intent to combine April & May custom half orders and process them late March. That way we could increase the amount of inventory we are able to sell through our website. This week our team spent three long days cutting and packing eight beef that was added to our store late Friday afternoon. That represents two beef extra than typical to satisfy the demand we have for our beef. Now, for the exciting news. For some time I have been wanting to add to as well as upgrade our beef herd.

Animal impact On OUR Pastures

The documentary Sacred Cow is known for the phrase "It's NOT the Cow, It's The How!" The meaning is simple. The cow is not responsible for any environmental effects on our land, water, or air. However, the way MAN insists on managing the cow IS RESPONSIBLE. The cow left to her nature and instinct would never confine themselves into a feedlot situration where they would be standing in their waste. Nor would the cow, when left to their nature and instinct, confine themselves to a single pasture on continuous graze. The cow's nature and instinct would be to eat, graze, and move - very similar to the buffalo