Restock Dates: Please see our Farm Blog where we post our weekly newsletter for the latest updates

Farm Update - EGGS

written by

Ben Simmons

posted on

February 4, 2023

I hope you enjoyed our series on "Why Regenerative Agriculture" and it made sense to you. Now, when you hear about someone saying I'm a Regenerative Farmer you will know whether they really know what they are talking about or just spouting a popular line.

Today, I want to do something a bit different. Instead of writing about our Farm Update - EGGS I ask that you join me for a trip out to the pasture and see for yourself as I let you know about some GOOD NEWS about eggs. 

Join me by clicking this link.


Orders for the end of January through early February have been very strong and we are out of stock on items for the first time in a long time. 

Please keep up to date on restock schedules using our Product Update Section below. Reminder - if you put an item in your cart then its not yours until you confirm your order!

Next week I will provide an update on our slaughter plant and share our experiences from the Pastured Poultry Conference.

Thank you for supporting our Regenerative efforts with your food dollars. YOU do make a difference.

If you are new to our farm then maybe you have been looking for premium ALL NATURAL GOODNESS of beef, pork, chicken, and eggs raised on pasture as God intended - with emphasis on Regenerative Principles and NOT conventionally raised animals (with growth hormones, drugs, chemicals, and antibiotics) - and where animals are treated humanely - then you have come to the right farm. Our delivery schedule and product availability is listed below along with order buttons that will take you to our website where you can browse over 90 product choices and place your order from the convenience of your home. It's that simple!

Yes, I want to Place My Order

** Product Availability Update **

Chicken - Restocked Wednesday, December 28th. Next harvest date is February 14th with restock the following day

Eggs - Eggs have improved drastically and you will see the difference in availability. We are so glad to be able to meet our customers needs. 


Beef - Restocked January 24th. Next harvest is February 7th. Restock target date is February 24th


Pork - Restocked Dec 12th. Next harvest will be February 15th. Restock target date is February 23rd for fresh items and and the week of March 6th for cured items

Lamb - Last harvest date was MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14th. Restocked Friday Nov 25th.

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