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Government IS RESPONSIBLE For That

written by

Ben Simmons

posted on

April 13, 2024

Good Morning from your farmer,

January 2024 LtGov Hoseman wrote an opinion piece that was published in newspapers across the state. The jist of his opinion was Mississippi's labor market is at a critical inflection point where only 53% of our population is working and the balance is not.

While I fully agree Mississippi has a critical labor market issue - I also know GOVERNMENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT!!!

Full disclosure - I tried three times to discuss this point with Hoseman, but he never returned my call. I will be sending him an email copy of my newsletter as I strongly believe that as citizens we need to hold politicians accountable. How does the saying go, "Evil abounds when good men do nothing."

My reply is from the perspective of farming. When this problem started is hard to say. But certainly in the early 1970's it was very apparent to small farmers.

Some may point to the time in 1974 when then Sec. of Ag Butz told farmers to get big or get out! Then, in 1977 Wendell Berry (KY farmer, author, and advocate) debated Butz stating his policy would destroy rural America and the small farmer. You can watch the debate here.

That policy HAS DESTROYED rural America and in particular rural Mississippi. Why, because not all farmers can or want to be big! But, many also will not sell their land. Who wants to be the generation that loses family land, right?

MS Government laws and policies have been implemented that took away the opportunity for small farms to make a living. That affects about one-third of Mississippi's population. Just drive down any county road and most two-lane state highways and you will mostly see farms that are no longer operational OR that have been completely abandoned. Again, GOVERNMENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT!!!

Several examples are chicken and dairy. Both federal and MS state law allows small farmers to raise up to 20,000 chickens per year and sell into commerce. However, MS Department of Agriculture has a regulation that restricts that number to only 1,000 per year and the farmer can only sell off his own farm.

Fourty other states fully support the federal law. North Carolina, for example, agriculture value to the state is more than 10 times that of Mississippi. That amounts to $1.5 million per square mile vs. Mississippi's measley $150,000 per square mile of agriculture products - which most are not for human consumption.

Dairy- specifically raw milk is the number 1 item customers ask me about. Mississippi once was a leading dairy producer. Oktibbeha County, where MSU is located, once had more than 800 small family dairies. Today, I understand there are NONE. GOVERNMENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT!!!

This year, Senator Angela Hill completed research and presented a bill to allow the sale of raw dairy to consumers - just like 27 other states allow. As LtGov, your office is directly responsible for bills that are/are not considered. Her bill was not considered.

Recently, Sally Fallon with the Westin A. Price Foundation wrote a really good article regarding raw dairy and how many of these laws came into existence. Briefly, a hundred years or so ago in NYC prior to the automobile, etc. dairies were located within city limits to affect delivery of fresh milk. Well, when cows are confined into tight quarters and most likely forced to live on concrete, their manure, etc. grew and grew which caused disease. That is NOT the cow's fault. That is man's fault for forcing the cow to live an un-natural lifestyle. If her life was spent on open pasture this would not have been a problem. You can read Sally Fallon's article here.

Food Security BEGINS With A Decentralized Food Supply - meaning many small farmers scattered across the state growing food to serve the communities where they live.

In 2016 there was research published that stated Mississippi imports $8.5 Billion in food to support our citizens. That is about $1 Billion more than today's agriculture value. Again, GOVERNMENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT!!!

It begs the question - how or why can these other states effectively support small farmers specifically for chicken & dairy and Mississippi cannot OR will not? And, have a thriving agriculture economy that not only supports small farmers, its citizens, but exports products to states like Mississippi that DOES NOT grow enough food to support its population!!! There, I have said it.

WHAT caused this mess? Frankly, politicians and bureacrats that endorse big business/farmers, their lobbyists, associations, and allies and disregard the impact on small farmers. Basically, pitting the few wealthy vs. the many seeking to make a living and serve their community.

How can this be fixed? One way is LEADERSHIP! Leadership that understands the value of food security in a decentralized food system that supports the local community.

Have you ever considered the similaries between a CAFO (confined animal feeding operation) that nearly everyone detests and big cities? For both, supplies, food, etc. is trucked in; centralization is unhealthy and breeds disease, and the waste is trucked out into huge landfills or piped into waterways.

Another way for this to be fixed involves Mississippi citizens. Folks, the best time to prepare for the next emergency is BEFORE it happens. You know, when the masses have no clue. Because when an emergency happens again, store shelves, etc. will empty just like before. Frankly, your food security depends on you. You need to make your voices known. A good place to start can be found at this link.

At Nature's Gourmet Farm, our intent is to create a community that evolves around one of the most intrinsically important things of the ages, and that’s the provision of sustenance. That's our passion - to raise healthy food to nourish families and strengthen immune systems.

If you are new to our farm then maybe you have been looking for premium ALL NATURAL GOODNESS of beef, pork, chicken, and eggs raised on pasture as God intended - with emphasis on Regenerative Principles and NOT conventionally raised animals (with growth hormones, drugs, chemicals, and antibiotics) - and where animals are treated humanely - then you have come to the right farm. Our delivery schedule and product availability are listed below along with order buttons that will take you to our website where you can browse over 90 product choices and place your order from the convenience of your home. It's that simple!

** Product Availability Update **

NOTE: Restocks are made about 6 PM on the dates indicated below!

Chicken - Restocked Mar 27th. Next restock will be April 10th.
Turkey - Whole turkeys are sold out. Restocked Ground, legs, thighs, and wings Jan 31st. Added six whole turkey breasts for pre-order.

Eggs - Restock each Wednesday. Received 500 new pullet hens Friday. Feb 23, 2024. We are well stocked on eggs - especially large at this time.

Beef - Restocked March 21st. Beef bacon restocked March 27th. Will restock ground beef April 8th. Next restock will be about April 19th.

Pork - Restocked fresh cuts March 13th. Next restock about April 10th.

Lamb - Restocked September 13th. I am hoping to have some lamb April 17th for slaughter and restock prior to May deliveries.

More from the blog

Do You Need A Half Beef? Must Read

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Exciting News From Our Farm

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Animal impact On OUR Pastures

The documentary Sacred Cow is known for the phrase "It's NOT the Cow, It's The How!" The meaning is simple. The cow is not responsible for any environmental effects on our land, water, or air. However, the way MAN insists on managing the cow IS RESPONSIBLE. The cow left to her nature and instinct would never confine themselves into a feedlot situration where they would be standing in their waste. Nor would the cow, when left to their nature and instinct, confine themselves to a single pasture on continuous graze. The cow's nature and instinct would be to eat, graze, and move - very similar to the buffalo