Restock Dates: Please see our Farm Blog where we post our weekly newsletter for the latest updates

Have You Heard This Good News?

written by

Ben Simmons

posted on

June 22, 2024

So, please tell us about the good news that you are excited about.

OK, hopefully I'm not going to jinx this, but the Louisiana State Legislature has unanimously approved the sale of RAW MILK in LA. All that is left to happen is for Govenor Jeff Landry to sign the bill - which is expected to happen.

BREAKING NEWS!!! June 21st, 2024 Gov. Landry signed the bill into law to be effective August 1st 2024.

The reason raw milk was banned in the first place goes back over 130 years to examples from NYC where dairies were located inside city limits (notice that the cows were not ON PASTURE) for human convenience. Additionally, horse and buggy were the norm and the streets were filled with manure -- again, not as nature intended.

You can read more details in this article written by Sally Fallon with the Weston A. Price Foundation.

The result was rampant diseases that were spread by rodents. Thus, pasturization was required which kills not just the harmful bacteria, BUT ALL good biology found in healthy pasture-based cow's milk.

The same situation happens with spraying pastures to kill certain harmful insects. The chemical does not discriminate good from "bad" pests - it kills ALL of them, thus leaving your pasture exposed. I've heard it said that for every one "bad" insect there are hundreds of beneficial insects that are also a predator to the harmful ones.

How was LA able to pass this legislation? According to Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance, grass-roots involvement was key. People (consumers & farmers) showed up to the Capitol to testify in favor of the legislation. Other groups like The Goat Spot Forum, Weston A. Price, and Farm To Consumer Legal Defense Fund rallied their members to contact their legislatures.

Last year in MS, Senator Angela Hill wrote a bill to legalize raw milk in MS. It never got out of committee.

This year we need to get behind her and show up at the Capitol and testify in favor of raw milk in Mississippi. This and other restrictive and discriminatory legislation/regulations need to be changed so more folks will want to farm in Mississippi.

BTW- I joined the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance because of their work to help pass this legislation.

I believe the biggest health problem people have is their compromised immune system caused by the food/drinks consumed.

Have your doubts? Then read this article in a recent Organic Consumers Association post titled "Pepsi's Pesticide-Drenched GMOs".


The article reads-

Pepsi is the largest food company in the United States, and the second-largest in the world, just behind Nestlé, which makes it the top purveyor of pesticide-drenched genetically engineered Frankenfoods.

Pepsi’s brands regularly rank among the foods with the highest amounts of the carcinogenic weed killer glyphosate, because they’re sprayed with Monsanto’s (now Bayer’s) Roundup.

Some ingredients are genetically engineered to be impervious to the Roundup that kills natural, unmodified plants: soy, corn, cotton, canola, sugar beets and alfalfa.

Others are non-GMO crops that have Roundup sprayed on them as a “dessicant” to dry them out prior to harvest: wheat, oats and beans.

According to the Environmental Working Group:

“EWG tests have found shockingly high levels of cancer-linked glyphosate in popular PepsiCo products like Quaker Oats and Sabra Hummus.

But PepsiCo continues to allow this dangerous chemical in their food. This is unacceptable. Consumers and parents shouldn’t have to worry about cancer-linked pesticides in food.”

Read more: EWG Tests of Hummus Find High Levels of Glyphosate Weedkiller
Like, share, and add your comments to our message to Pepsi on social media

PepsiCo: I’m avoiding your pesticide-drenched Frankenfoods. Of all the hummus brands, PepsiCo’s Sabra has the most glyphosate, because the garbanzo beans, even though they aren’t genetically engineered, are sprayed with a “desiccant,” Monsanto’s (now Bayer’s) carcinogenic Roundup weedkiller, to dry them out prior to harvest.

** Product Availability Update **

NOTE: Restocks are made about 6 PM on the dates indicated below!

Chicken -Restocked June 12th. Next Restock is June 26th
Turkey - Sold Out! New poults arrived, but will be months before ready. Demand popped and I dropped the ball on this one.

Eggs - Restocked each Wednesday. We are well stocked on eggs - especially large at this time.

Beef - Restocked June 20th. Next restock will be July 18th. Expect Half Beef added to store July 3rd for late July/Early Aug harvest.

Pork - Restock June 12th. Ground Pork & Patty Sausage restocked June 14th.

Lamb - April 17th lamb did not work out. They were only 50 lb live weight or about half the weight needed for slaughter.

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