Restock Dates: Please see our Farm Blog where we post our weekly newsletter for the latest updates

Important Considerations Follow-Up

written by

Ben Simmons

posted on

October 28, 2021

We really appreciate all the very positive feedback from so many of our customers regarding credit card fees as well as price increases. Here is a sampling:

"On reading your last email, it seemed worth remembering that your entire customer base consists of people who are willing to pay more in order to make sure that all concerned are well cared for. "All concerned" includes the cows, chickens, etc., as well as yourself, your wife, your children, anyone you employ, and your dog (whom I've met, by the way). Everybody knows the price of everything is going up all the time. We all expect you do whatever is necessary to ensure that "all concerned" are being treated well. Thanks to you and yours for all that you provide for us."

"Dear Mr. Simmons, good morning. I am so sorry to hear about the credit card fee you are charged for me to use my credit card for purchasing products from you. In this regard, I can change my method of payment to check, if that is amenable to you? Do I just go into My Account on your webpage and delete my method of payment?" ANSWER" Yes, go to account settings and change from Credit Card to Pay at Pickup (with a check or cash).

"I will be happy to stop using my credit card with you and plan to have a check prepared. I know everything is going up. I understand if you have to raise your prices also and I will certainly buy from you as I can afford. As you know my brother sold out of the dairy business because milk prices were controlled and never went up though expenses did. I do appreciate your careful management and the excellent products you sell. Certainly want you to stay in business and make a decent living!"

"Thank you for thinking of your customers and explaining the price increase! This is why I will remain a Nature's Gourmet Farm customer! "

Again, we are very grateful for everyone's comments and understanding on credit card fees as well as price increases.

Grazecart offers ONLY two payment options. Credit Card or Pay at Pickup (with check or cash). If you are currently paying by CC and want to switch to Pay at Pickup then you can change your preference in Account Settings. If you need help I can do that for you.

For customers whose preference (choice) is to use their credit card we will add 3% to your order to cover the fee cost. I was surprised to hear from customers how many small businesses are doing that these days!

PRICE INCREASES: Prices did not change on more than half of our items. Ground beef had a small increase and steaks had a slightly higher increase. Chicken breast were increased as well as bacon and smoked sausages had a small increase. If these items were in a bundle then the bundle was increased. All other items stayed the same.

September has been a very strong sales month. Our beef & chicken inventory has not been this low for a long time. Please see the Product Availability Section below for a complete update on restock, etc.

As always, we thank you for rewarding our hard work with your trust and support.

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