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Meet Our Outstanding Team

written by

Ben Simmons

posted on

December 25, 2021

Good Morning and hello from your farmer,

I like Thanksgiving! Ours this year was really nice... it was so good to visit with family and enjoy each others fellowship.

Of course, there were still chores to be done. Chickens that had to be feed & watered as well as moved daily. Eggs to gather, wash, grade, and pack. Cows to hay and pigs to feed. Just to mention a few.

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that Beth and I can do it all. However, the farm has grown to the point where we cannot physically do it all by ourselves.

Tuesday was chicken processing day. On processing day all the folks who help us bring our farm products to your home are available. So, I took the opportunity to take a picture and would like a moment of your time to introduce each of them to you. We are very blessed to have some really Outstanding folks helping us.


From left to right they are:

Cooper - has been working with us full time since mid-April of this year. At only 19 years old he has not backed down from trying anything. He has been a tremendous help to me with feeding the pigs and broilers and doing a lot of tractor chores. He just finished drilling in about 100 acres of the new ground and did a really good job.

Amy - what a blessing she has been to Beth. When Eric left the farm late July she jumped right in and picked up the slack with the hens. Before then, she had been helping with chicken processing as well as pig processing to include making sausages.

Scott - the "master eviscerator" has really transformed chicken processing! There were a few changes made late July to include adding Scott and since then the line has run very smooth. When able he has also helped with some bushhogging.

Beth - enough said!

Granny - this is Beth's mom. She has been helping with chicken processing since day one! In 10 years she may have missed one batch - maybe! We love you Granny.

Brooke - is the daughter of one of our customers in the Picayune area. She has been helping with processing around two years. In late July she moved to the beginning of the line and really sets the pace. Brooke is fast and utilizes any spare time to also clean the feet - one of the things I am also impressed by is she has never been late! You Go Brooke.

Matthew - we met Matthew about a month ago when he came to pickup an order. In talking he mentioned he was from NOLA and had recently graduated from USM with a masters in music. He mentioned he was interested in farming and was planning to interview to be an intern with Polyface Farm in VA (Joel Salatin's farm). He called last Monday evening wanting to get more chicken for Thanksgiving. I mentioned we were processing Tuesday if he wanted to join us - and like magic here he is. Thanks Matthew. we wish you the best nailing that intern slot.

Last, let me mention our (primary) inspector Mr. Dwain.


Mr. Dwain is always here early checking things out. Once satisfied then we have a few minutes to share how the Lord's working in our lives. This week the topic was Proverbs 3:5-6 that includes four statements.

1. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart. This one is first for a reason. If you don't get it right then the others want matter.
2. Lean not unto thine own understanding. When we rationalize decisions vs. depending on God we typically make the wrong decision.
3. In all thy ways acknowledge him. I am but a steward of God's blessing.
4. And he shall direct thy path. Amen.

When 7:30 arrives its back to work. Thanks Mr. Dwain for keeping us on track.

There you go. These are the folks that do a zillion little things that add up big time to help bring our products to your table.

Hope you enjoyed meeting them.

As always, thank you for rewarding our hard work with your trust and support.

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