Restock Dates: Please see our Farm Blog where we post our weekly newsletter for the latest updates

Newsletter 2016 1015

written by

Ben Simmons

posted on

October 15, 2016

“Maybe we should stop asking why Real Food is so expensive and start

asking why processed food is so cheap.”


Upcoming Order Deadlines

Order by Sunday, October 16, 2016
Pickup Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Hattiesburg & Hattiesburg Hwy 98 West
Order by Monday, October 17, 2016
Pickup Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Biloxi & Gulfport
Order by Monday October 17, 2016
Pickup Thursday, October 20, 2016

We believe in transparency, as there’s no better education about what it is we do, how we do it and why, than an honest and straightforward conversation about any aspect of our farm!

Thanksgiving Pork: We still have several pigs available for custom processing. All pigs will be delivered for harvest October 16th and will be ready for pickup the week of Thanksgiving. Treat your family special – serve them Real Farm Food beginning with Nature’s Gourmet Farm Thanksgiving ham.

Christmas Turkey: Our turkey poults arrived Thursday by the USPO along with Black Australorp chicks. The picture above is Beth giving each poult & chick a drink of water upon arrival. My youngest son calls it "waterboarding". Anyway, they are going to be fun. Since arrival I have gone in to check on them and will get down to look under the light. The turkeys run up to me and stretch their necks as far as they can and will try to peck my nose.

Anyway, thank you to all who signed up for a turkey and the encouragement for us to give this a try. I'll be in touch as we get closer to Christmas.

Farm Update – October will be the third month to meet customers at our Pickup Locations. And, we are very thankful how business has grown each month. What a blessing! We really did not know how folks would respond. In many other parts of the country farms have been sucessfully working during the week/ month and then taking a few days to meet customers to deliver their orders. I have thought about this a good bit and come to realize that is probably close to how farms once got their goods to consumers - of course, there were many more small farms then vs. the mega industrial farms we have now. We thank you for your business and support.

This year we have had numerous folks visit our farm to "learn" how we operate so they can maybe one day produce nutrient dense food and direct market in their communities. It has been a pleasure to get to know them and provide assistance. Several couples have been fellow Christians which is a whole nother blessing! We are very open to help folks who have a passion for farming the right way because we believe there is a great need for "clean" food - both meat and vegetables. The best thing consumers can do for their health is to cook from scratch using ingredients you know and when possible from a farmer you know.

Lastly, I was fortunate to be asked to speak about our farm and nutrition at a recent MS Power Wellness meeting. The theme for 2017 is Nutrition - Nutrition - Nutrition - Nutrition. The committee understands the importance of nutrition and employee (family) health and is working to educate employees about the benefits of nutrition.

Did you know Nature's Gourmet Farm has a Facebook page? Never thought I would be saying this but, "you can LIKE us from our website"

Take care,


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Ben Answer's Customer Questions About Chicken

This week I would like to answer two questions asked by new/prospective customers. The first question is: A customer asked if Nature’s Gourmet Farm “bleaches” our chicken during processing? ANSWER: Never! While bleaching is the standard method used by commercial raised chicken plants to kill pathogens, here at Nature’s Gourmet Farm we find at our very small family owned and operated plant that is not needed. And, our lab testing confirms this. Since becoming USDA in 2019 our chicken is tested and we have never had any instance of pathogens reported by our outside testing lab.

Community IS Something You Can Give

Lot's of very positive comments from last weeks Newsletter. Vanessa gave me permission to share her reply. Here goes- You have known my stance. They are trying to modify us to break our connection to our Creator. To be "unnatural" is to be without God. The definition for "sin" is "without God". These modified foods may be without the light of God, but I think no matter how injured we are, we can always find our way home. Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows. It's what I have always lived by. Our energy/attention is very valuable?

What's The Latest With Beef

Friday morning before 7a.m., a young mother called inquiring about buying chicken and beef. She had recently read where Moderna had received $175 million from the US Government to develop mRNA vaccines for our food supply. This greatly troubled her as a mother and unvaccinated RN. We understand! And felt the same. Equally disturbing is a quote from a prior CDC Director who stated the next pandemic will involve the avian flu. Is this their way of communicating what they are working on next - after Covid? A customer introduced me to Tracy Thurman who writes for the Brownstone Institute