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Newsletter 2016 1224

written by

Ben Simmons

posted on

December 24, 2016

RECIPE – Round Steak: Recently a customer asked me how I recommend cooking round steak. Then, out of the blue, Stephen sent me his recipe.

Make a roux with extra virgin olive oil, flour and some organic beef broth. Also known as brown gravy. Cook in a black iron skillet.

Then put round steak seasoned with salt, pepper and garlic in skillet and cover steak with 4 sliced onions, put lid on and cook for 2 hours on low heat.

It melted in our mouth and the flavor was like when I was a kid at home.

Real simple, hardest part is to make a roux. Little practice and you get it.

Stephen G.

Customer Comments:

1)   As you know, we bought a half pig back in September from you. It has been very good. My wife monitors my cholesterol very close – even after eating all the bacon and sausage my cholesterol has actually improved! SG

2)   Hello! We purchased a side of cow from you a bit back…I work for a small coop…I am impressed nearly daily with the quality of your product. SM

I receive Newsletters from Pharo Cattle Company, a seedstock producer of grass-based (solar) bulls. Kit recently asked readers to share their experience with needs vs. wants regarding grass-fed beef. One reply is worth sharing.

“The first article in your last PCC Update is absolutely true – but allow me make a suggestion.  People do want beef but there is one reason they need beef and that is for good health.   Beef that is grass-fed and non-chemical provides healthy fats.  When we eat healthy fats, our bodies create ketones in the digestion process.  Ketones kill cancer cells.  Sugar and grains (that turn to sugar) feed cancer cells.  If we eat healthy fats and no sugars, we will be much less likely to get cancer – and much more likely to cure cancer.

Last February, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer with a tumors at L4 stage in the spinal column and lymph nodes.  I stopped eating all sugar and grains and increased my consumption of our grass-fed beef, pastured poultry and pastured eggs.  I also started three oxygen supplements (cancer cannot survive in the presence of oxygen) and in August I was cancer free.  The tumor was gone, the spine was clear, the lymph nodes were clean and the prostate was normal once again.

You are correct that beef is a want for the most part – but it is a health need if grown and promoted properly.  Beans and chicken will never fill this void.  If beef is grazed in a MiG way, we can restore carbon to the soil and produce more oxygen into the atmosphere.  What's not to like about beef?”

 Bob Bard – Texas

Is Sugar Addiction Real? Based on an article in the Fall 2016 Weston A. Price journal by Tiffany Wright, PhD, the Skinny Coach – “of the six hundred thousand products in the grocery store, 80% have added sugar, and 60 percent of the American diet is made up of processed food, the amount of sugar the average American is consuming is phenomenal.

Americans consumed a mere four pounds of sugar per year in the 1700’s; today Americans consume one hundred sixty-eight pounds (168) of sugar yearly.”

Industrial grown meats & vegetables are bland tasting thus companies add chemical flavorings, sugar, and or salt so they will “taste good” to consumers.

Quote Worth Re-Quoting –

“The time is always right to do what is right.”   ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

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Lot's of very positive comments from last weeks Newsletter. Vanessa gave me permission to share her reply. Here goes- You have known my stance. They are trying to modify us to break our connection to our Creator. To be "unnatural" is to be without God. The definition for "sin" is "without God". These modified foods may be without the light of God, but I think no matter how injured we are, we can always find our way home. Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows. It's what I have always lived by. Our energy/attention is very valuable?

What's The Latest With Beef

Friday morning before 7a.m., a young mother called inquiring about buying chicken and beef. She had recently read where Moderna had received $175 million from the US Government to develop mRNA vaccines for our food supply. This greatly troubled her as a mother and unvaccinated RN. We understand! And felt the same. Equally disturbing is a quote from a prior CDC Director who stated the next pandemic will involve the avian flu. Is this their way of communicating what they are working on next - after Covid? A customer introduced me to Tracy Thurman who writes for the Brownstone Institute