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Pricing | Farm Matters

written by

Ben Simmons

posted on

January 26, 2025

Good morning from your Farmer(s),


  1. 1. Farm Matters
  2. 2. Pricing Update
  3. 3. Product Availability Update

Farm Matters – First ACV - I left out a very important point regarding Apple Cider Vinegar. ACV is loaded with beneficial enzymes that helps the cattle better digest their forage and also provides needed energy. The same can be said for raw cows milk. Remember the chart I shared a few email ago that showed all the beneficial enzymes in cows milk vs. pasturized milk (because they heat it to removed potential harmful pathogens that also kills the good stuff). This is similar to spraying pastures for army worms (a single specie), but in doing so you kill hundreds of very beneficial species.

Like I suspected, the weather would delay our cut/pack of beef this week due to unsafe driving conditions. It was rescheduled for Thursday - Saturday so restock should be posted about 6pm Sunday afternoon. That way all pickup locations are open for orders. And since outside work was limited I took the opportunity to take a physical inventory of our freezer (not much difference in outside vs. freezer temps hahaha). Updates were made for beef, chicken, and most pork items.

One of our customers shared an email he received from Dr. Mark Hyman that included some of his favorite books, podcasts, research, and more. Of specific interest was a free documentary on YouTube titled ReThink Meat. Mark writes,

It’s about time we rethink our position on meat. Grass-fed, regeneratively raised meats aren’t just a superfood for human health—they’re also critical for building a sustainable agricultural system. Livestock plays a key role in soil health and carbon sequestration, making it one of the most powerful tools we have for reversing climate change. My friends at Wild Pastures just released an incredible documentary on YouTube called ReThink Meat, and I think everyone should watch it. I even have a cameo in the film because this mission—restoring human health from farm to fork—is core to everything I stand for. Click here to watch ReThink Meat for free on YouTube.

I have watched several of the 8 episodes so far and am very impressed with the content. Each episode is roughly 20-30 minutes long.

How have our animals faired in the bitter cold & snow? Actually, very good. Out of some 240 cows + about 100 pigs + 1000 or so hens, and + 900ish meat chickens we only lost ONE broiler and it was probably not going to make it before the cold weather. That is a real blessing. Frankly, the cold added extra work for our team trying to keep water available to all of them.

Pricing Update: - you may remember in addition to my military career I also worked in Supply Chain Management & Procurement and was a Certified Purchasing Manager. That said, I never liked price increases as a buyer... and it is not something I enjoy presenting to customers either! However, cost have increased and looks like will continue to increase.

Eggs- As you know, the price of even the cheap white eggs in stores have skyrocketed higher. I spoke with the farm where we buy our pullets on Saturday and he told me the USDA killed 233 million chickens in 2024 because of bird flu. Now, not all of these chickens had died or were even sick. The majority were simply in the same flock as dead & sick chickens so they killed ALL of them. Frankly, the chickens that were not sick very possibly had immunity from bird flu and would have raised great replacement hens that also would have had "Herd Immunity". He also said that baby chicks are hard to get (farms are selling eggs vs. saving eggs to replace flocks). He did not get any of his last 20,000 chick order. The good news is we will be able to get most of the 750 pullets we ordered back in September.

Since our last increase our feed cost have increased twice. Packaging and labor has also increased and while I do not have the final cost for our new pullets they will also be much higher.

Lastly, demand for our eggs is very strong because folks know the quality and nutritional value of our eggs. Our new price of $6.25/dz is still a bargain vs. $8.19 for conventional eggs in Corner Market (when you can get them).

Chicken- since our last increase the cost of baby chicks have increased 33% and feed is increased 10.75%. Additionally, vacuum seal bags and labor have increased. Most chicken items have increased about 4.5%.

Beef- first of the year I mentioned that beef futures broke above a key resistance which signals higher prices. Since then futures have been up almost every day. Wednesday was another big UP day. Top contributors include high beef demand from consumers, shrinking inventory (cow herd is at a 70 year low and farms are still selling heifers for slaughter vs. retaining to build herds) and farm sellouts from aging farmers - cannot blame them for selling out at record prices. Considerations include kids not interested in the family farm and the cost of inputs like equipment to possibly continue.

I have already increased the price of our custom half shares to $5.75 per pound. I have not increased the individual cuts, but will do that once we complete the cut/pack this weekend so I can include actual yield into my calculations.

In closing let me reafirm our commitment to raise the most nutritious beef, pork, chicken, and eggs at the best value possible for our customers.

** Product Availability Update **

NOTE: Restocks are made about 6 PM on the dates indicated below!

Chicken - Next Restock will be January 29th

Turkey - Restocked Ground Turkey, Wings, Legs, and Thighs November 22nd. It will be mid 2025 before the next restock.

Eggs - Restock each (NOW) TUESDAY PRIOR to YOUR delivery date.

Beef - Next Restock will be January 26th (hopefully).

Pork – Restocked FRESH items January 15th. Fresh Ground Pork & Patty Sausage January 17th. Smoked items follow 12-14 days later

Lamb - Restocked October 8th

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Interesting Egg Article– the price and availability of eggs is a hot topic as well as a solution. Industry and regulators (maybe also include media) would have you believe it is because of bird flu. But, is it bird flu OR some other agenda? Beth received a link to an article from Farm Action out of Mexico, MO who have sent a letter to the FTC and DOJ urging them to investigate and take action to restore competition and lower eggs prices. Key facts Farm Action quoted are: Key Pricing Facts:

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Eggs & More

This week the American Pastured Poultry Producers Association (APPPA) shared the USDA weekly disease update for Feb 4-10, 2025, a 4-day activity of exterminated chickens that is unnerving. During this timeframe 4.1 million chickens were exterminated. Most were egg layers and Ohio was the hardest hit. Here is the link that APPPA shared that tracks the outbreaks from the beginning - February 8th, 2022.