Restock Dates: Please see our Farm Blog where we post our weekly newsletter for the latest updates

Product Updates & More

written by

Ben Simmons

posted on

February 11, 2024

First, a quick followup from last week's email where I shared my letter to Sec. Watson.

This generated a lot of interest and response from our customers - ALL very positive and thankful for us taking the stand we do. Several customers also shared that they were personal friends with Sec. Watson and would contact him regarding our farm. So far, I have not heard from him.

Cindy shared the following: Thank you for speaking out about issues that many of us are very upset about and feel like we have no voice. Hopefully, Secretary Watson will actually do something. In my opinion, Farm Bureau is against most Mississippians. They were against the illegal land sales to the Chinese and other foreign countries who want to harm us. I was at the meeting at the Capitol a few months ago and saw it firsthand.
They are against any legislation to protect pets, such as dogs and cats, from animal abusers, in addition to the chicken and dairy issues you mentioned above. I am no fan at all of Farm Bureau. They are a detriment to our state. But they have a powerful lobby and lots of friends in influential places . And lots of farmers, big farmers, are fans.
I have always been a fan of ag commissioner Gipson and I expect he will run for governor one day. I’m not sure if it’s a political play, but it seems that he is quiet on most of these issues. One exception is the Land deals, because he did chair those groups and hold the hearings.

Thank you for taking the lead, and being a voice of reason and common sense.

PRODUCT UPDATES: this will be a bit more detailed than the weekly updates we ALWAYS include in our newsletter. Also, after our newsletter goes out Saturday morning, we then post it to our Farm Blog - have you noticed the banner at the top of our homepage?

Chicken - we processsed chicken this week that were mostly cut into pieces (breast, leg quarters, wings, etc.). We will process chicken again Tuesday, Feb 13th and package on the 14th. There will be more whole chickens is this batch than cut-ups. With Spring just around the corner we should get back on our twice per month processing. Will repeat on Feb 27/28.

Beef - we sold out of ground beef in about a week after posting inventory January 19th. Since then most cuts are out of stock. Wednesday, Feb 7th we harvested 8 beef (one more than typical) so hopefully inventory will last till the next restock. So, the 8 beef will be cut/packed Feb 20-22 and added to our website NLT Feb 23rd.

We made our next month half-beef inventory available the afternoon we slaughter the current month's beef. I.E. Feb 7th I added March 6th half beef shares to our store for order. These sold out in about 90 minutes.

Pork - Wednesday, Feb 7th we harvested 7 pigs. We will cut/pack the fresh cuts Wednesday, Feb 14th (after chicken that morning) and add to inventory that evening. Bacon, hams, and hocks will be prepped for curing prior to smoking around Feb 23rd.

Lamb - Beth & I are at our wits end with unexpected stockouts.... especially since inventory is something I was responsible for in my prior life! We are convinced there is a gremlin out there somewhere causing havoc. But, it happened with ground lamb. We did have some trim frozen in the freezer so we took that out and ground it to fill current orders. It won't last long!!! Good news is we are on schedule to process about 12 lamb March 6th. Cut/pack should be March 13th and should be in out store that evening.

Eggs - about two weeks ago our egg production spiked and continues to increase daily. There is still about 15-20% that are not laying yet. Eggs continue to be in BIG demand (we delivered 21 cases on our Coast Route last Saturday). We will also add about 500 new pullet hens about Feb 23rd.

Frankly, I don't see customer demand dropping off where we can stay in stock on all products at the same time. So, what we communicate to customers is to watch the restock dates and place your order. Do not wait until all products are available because you might miss the ones just restocked. Then, edit your order to add the other items when their restock date occurs. That is our best advice.

Lastly, February starts calving season here on the farm. Here is a picture where I captured two calves in the same picture earlier this week.

At Nature's Gourmet Farm, our intent is to create a community that evolves around one of the most intrinsically important things of the ages, and that’s the provision of sustenance. That's our passion - to raise healthy food to nourish families and strengthen immune systems.

If you are new to our farm then maybe you have been looking for premium ALL NATURAL GOODNESS of beef, pork, chicken, and eggs raised on pasture as God intended - with emphasis on Regenerative Principles and NOT conventionally raised animals (with growth hormones, drugs, chemicals, and antibiotics) - and where animals are treated humanely - then you have come to the right farm. Our delivery schedule and product availability are listed below along with order buttons that will take you to our website where you can browse over 90 product choices and place your order from the convenience of your home. It's that simple!

** Product Availability Update **

NOTE: Restocks are made about 6 PM on the dates indicated below!

Chicken - Restocked February 6th. Next restock will be Feb 14th.
Turkey - Whole turkeys are sold out. Restocked Ground, legs, thighs, and wings Jan 31st. Added six whole turkey breasts for pre-order.

Eggs - Restock each Wednesday. Received 950 new pullet hens Thursday, Nov 9th. Pullet production has doubled in the last two weeks. Still need about 20% more to start

Beef - Next restock will be February 23, 2024. Our inventory on NY Strip Steaks is a bit heavy so I have decided to put them on sale for Feburary (or until supplies last). SOLD OUT on NYS!. Thank you

Pork - Next restock Feb 14th on fresh cuts and about Feb 23rd on cured/smoked items.

Lamb - Restocked September 13th. Scheduled to process lamb in Mar 2024

G. LaVine left this ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Google Review:

"I have been a loyal customer of Nature's Gourmet Farm for over two years, and I realized that I never wrote a review to share about my incredibly positive experience with them. I'm fixing that right now!

We moved to Mississippi in 2021, and we were quite accustomed to enjoying beef and bison raised on the many naturally-minded ranches of eastern Colorado. Consuming grass-fed and pastured meats has always been a high priority for our family, and I was thrilled to find Nature's Gourmet Farm...

Nature's Gourmet Farm offers beef, lamb, pork, chicken, turkey, and eggs. Our large family has ordered all six choices, and they are all fantastic in both flavor and nutrition. Staples in our household are chuck roast, ground beef, whole chickens, and pork sausage. And of course, our Thanksgiving table includes one of their turkeys! Ordering online is a simple process, and their monthly delivery schedule is convenient and easy to work with. Prices are very reasonable as well, especially for the quality of the products. I cannot speak highly enough of the effort they have made to feed our southeast Mississippi community."

More from the blog

New Pullets | Calves | Job Opening

Pullets arrived March 1st– every 6 months we receive a fresh batch of pullets. This year we were not sure if our late February to early March batch would be available…even though we ordered them last September. However, mostly since we have done business with the same farmer since the Spring of 2017, he prioritized our order and delivered them March 1st. While the price was higher, I was braced for a much higher price. Our pullets are typically 17 weeks old when delivered. They will start laying at about 24 weeks. That means we should start seeing medium eggs by our May delivery dates. YEAH!

Eggs | Broken State GVT

Interesting Egg Article– the price and availability of eggs is a hot topic as well as a solution. Industry and regulators (maybe also include media) would have you believe it is because of bird flu. But, is it bird flu OR some other agenda? Beth received a link to an article from Farm Action out of Mexico, MO who have sent a letter to the FTC and DOJ urging them to investigate and take action to restore competition and lower eggs prices. Key facts Farm Action quoted are: Key Pricing Facts:

Half Beef Shares | Egg Pricing | Visitor Stories

NEW Egg Ordering Process – As you know, eggs are not only expensive, but are now being rationed by grocery stores. We have had our share of extra folks contacting us because our prices are lower than grocery stores. This reminds us of March 2020 when our freezer went from FULL to EMPTY before we knew what was happening. I would say 95% or more of those who first bought during Covid left when store shelves filled back up. We are NOT interested in customers shopping price, but only customers interested in our quality products.