Restock Dates: Please see our Farm Blog where we post our weekly newsletter for the latest updates

Springtime On The Farm

written by

Ben Simmons

posted on

March 9, 2019

Product Update –
1) Chicken
- The FIRST batch arrived February 28th and are doing great! We have commitments for 75% of our annual volume. Chicken will be available FRESH on the following dates
April 26 - Sold Out
May 25
June 22
July 20
Aug 17
Sep 14
Oct 12
Nov 9
If you would like to reserve some for your family simply let me know how many by DATE. You will need to do this soon as demand will be high and we are still limited by MS Department of AG Regulations on the amount we can grow per year. Also include if you want them fresh or frozen.

2) Beef - Individual cuts - our next beef processing date is March 11th. This means we will be back in stock on all beef items before the April delivery date. Look for inventory to be added by March 23.

Custom Half Beef - I have added four halves for the April 8th processing, If you are interested in a half beef please follow this link to learn more and place your deposit to reserve your order

3) Pork - Individual cuts - our next pork processing date is March 18th. This means we will be back in stock on all pork items mid to late April. We will have plenty of pork available starting in July.

4) Eggs - Egg production is running on ALL cylinders! Lay rate is 95-98% which is outstanding. We have added all size options to our website and can easily fill your orders. Thank you for your patience as we worked through this issue

Springtime on the farm- Springtime is my favorite time of the year because it's the time of new life - the days are getting longer, sunshine is bright and warm, the grass greens up, trees are budding and adding new leaves, flowers are blooming, bees and other insects are about their task, and it is calving time.

Calving started right on time this year. About 75% of the cows had calved in the first 21 days. Calves are a lot of fun to watch. Let me explain.

Imagine about 70 kindergartners on the playground. We have observed one group of calves playing together, but would not let another group join in. Some calves are very active and run way ahead of their mom's (with no idea where they are going - just going) and their mom's running behind trying to keep up.

Some are timid and look for a place to lay down and hide out of the way of others. Some calves stay close to mom and pretty much follow her where ever she goes. One thing is for sure - they all are unique individuals. This is never more evident then when it comes time to move to a new pasture. The mom's are familiar with the routine and ready to go. The calves on the other hand like familiarity and when you try to get them to go it reminds me of "herding cats". They scatter in all directions. And, if there is a mud puddle at the gate you can forget it! Most will not step in a mud puddle.

Calves are a lot of fun to watch and can do some really cute things - like standing with all four feet on top of the mineral feeder. I would have liked to have seen how he got up there.

Springtime on the farm is a great time! Be looking forward to more springtime stories.

Customer Feedback-
"I picked up our first order of beef on May 30, 2018. I have cooked two pounds of ground beef and one two-pound sirloin tip roast. This is the best beef I have ever eaten! Excellent flavor and melt in your mouth tender. My husband grew up on a cattle ranch in Kansas and he is also very impressed with your beef. We will not hesitate to purchase again and highly recommend to anyone considering purchasing from you. Looking forward to also purchasing chicken and pork.." - N Witt

Quote Worth Re-Quoting – “When chickens get to live like chickens, they'll taste like chickens, too.” ― Michael Pollan, The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals

Thank you for supporting our regenerative, local farm.
Ben & Beth

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