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What's Going On?

written by

Ben Simmons

posted on

April 17, 2023


Over the last 3-4 weeks I have received numerous questions from customers regarding mRNA being given to livestock - particularly beef. This week, the number of calls have drastically increased due to news sources.

Please note that I am only sharing this information because so many customers have asked about our position on mRNA vaccines for livestock. It is your responsibility to gather the FACTS and make your own decisions.

Frankly, I am not here to discuss politics - my belief is 99% of politicians are compromised as they are not discussing the root cause of our problems. As a 36-year military veteran there is no doubt our government (specifically federal & many states), institutions, global corporations, etc. no longer abide by our Constitution - because they have been hijacked by the WEF elites. And, remember every elected official, many federal employees, and certainly ALL military ranks take an Oath (solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic).

Facts backed by original author evidence replaces conspiracy theory rhetoric that seek to deceive the masses of people. These elites believe and act like they are god(s) and know what is best for our planet and you.

Earlier this week, Dr. Mercola wrote about the status of mRNA in our meat supply. At the top of each email he states that information is "Fact Checked" and includes source documents. Here are the bullet points from his article:

  • For the last couple of years, I’ve recommended not eating pork due to its high linoleic acid (LA) content, but there’s an even bigger reason to avoid it now. Since 2018, pork producers have been using customizable mRNA-based “vaccines” on their herds
  • The very first RNA-based livestock vaccine, a swine inNuenza (H3N2) RNA shot licensed in 2012, was developed by Harrisvaccines. The company followed up with an avian inNuenza mRNA shot in 2015. Harrisvaccines was acquired by Merck Animal Health later that year
  • CureVac developed an mRNA-based rabies shot for pigs in 2016
  • The swine vaccine platform Sequivity, introduced in 2018, was developed by Merck in partnership with Moderna. Sequivity can produce endlessly customized “vaccines,” none of which undergo safety testing
  • Americans have been eating pork treated with gene therapy for nearly five years already, and even more of our meat supply is about to get the same treatment. mRNA- lipid nanoparticle shots for avian inNuenza are in the works, as are mRNA shots for cows.
  • Lobbyists for the Cattlemen’s Association recently confirmed they intend to use mRNA “vaccines” in cattle, which might affect both dairy and beef
  • Missouri House bill 1169 would require labeling of products that can alter your genes. It would also require companies to share information about the potential transmissibility of gene-altering interventions, and asserts that fully informed consent must be given for all vaccines, gene therapies and medical intervention

My first thought is this should make folks very cautious of buying anything EXCEPT what they grow themselves or from a local vetted farmer. Because, our customers would never support buying pork if they would have known the pigs had been given these vaccines!

If you believe mRNA vaccines given to livestock is not transferred to humans that consume their meat then you should have your urine tested for glyphosate to see how this chemical sprayed on food consumed by CAFO livestock and most other foods that humans consume. Results will prove it passes through to humans. Bottom line is it worth the risk especially when there has not been any safety testing before marketing these vaccines?

Our farm is NOT a member of the American Cattleman's Association because they support the CAFO model as well as the large meat packer and Big AG companies vs. farmers who take all the risk. I think the first cattle that will receive mRNA vaccines are those in CAFO's and sold/distributed to grocery stores, restaurants, institutions, and etc.

Today, small direct market farms are a very small percentage of the overall total of beef sold. Yes, the number of farms and volume of beef is increasing, but the percentage is still very small compared to the total. Also, it is well documented that the majority of grass fed beef sold in the USA is imported - and who knows what other countries require of farmers.

We are not financially responsible to the USDA. That means we do not have any grants, loans, etc. that might give them leverage over how we choose to raise our livestock.

To be clear, I will not give my livestock mRNA vaccines. Our pasture based model of raising our beef, pork, chicken, and eggs mimics the best we know how what our Creator God intended. Results are happy animals that with few exceptions are very healthy. They are able to forage for their natural diet and fresh water. They receive plenty of sunshine and fresh air that is also passed on to our customers who choose to consume our products.

Just as our animals benefit from free-range, fresh air, and sunshine (vs. CAFO) I also believe humans would also benefit from the same environment vs. crowded cities.

There are tons of information out there - I have limited time to keep up with all the stuff going on today. Beth and I talk about this regularly - you have to find a balance between not wanting to know and fixated on too much info. The key is to find a few sources that you trust....

In closing, I would like to share this Bible verse that helps keep me "grounded". Titus Chapter 2:11-14 reads:

11. For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,
12. Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;
13. Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
14. Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

At Nature's Gourmet Farm, our intent is to create a community that will evolve around one of the most intrinsically important things of the ages, and that’s the provision of sustenance. That's our passion - to raise healthy food to nourish families and strengthen immune systems.

** Product Availability Update **

Chicken - Next harvest date is April 25th with restock the following day. Processing will continue for twice per month for the balance of the year.

Eggs - Eggs have improved drastically and you will see the difference in availability. Please note that eggs will be added to our website the Wednesday PRIOR top your delivery date by 6pm. So, we have decided to put them on sale as follows:

Jumbo/ XL - buy 4 or more flats for $10 each. Save $5 each

Dozen - buy 4 or more cartons for $4.50 each. Save $1 each

Beef - Restocked March 28th. Next restock April 21st.

Pork - Restock fresh pork late February 2023. Next harvest will be April 24th.

Lamb - Last restock was Friday Nov 25th. Had a call Friday about buying lamb and will follow up next week to see if we can make a deal. UPDATE- unfortunately, there was a miscommunication as the lamb are not harvest ready and will not be until July timeframe.

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