Restock Dates: Please see our Farm Blog where we post our weekly newsletter for the latest updates

Good News & Bad News - CLARIFICATION

Thursday I got FOOLED!!! RE Mercola article - I read the bullet statements, about half the article - then scrolled back up to see if the article had his "Fact Checked" posted which it did and then continued reading till near the end. Unfortunately, I now wish I had read all the way to the end because that's where the following was posted:

Good News & Bad News

Over three days we were able to process six beef and two pigs. I was really pleased with Jake and our regular team who really stepped up and made it happen. While processing it became evident that there were opportunities for some new products. These include; Beef Grilling Bones We "canoe cut" the length of the bone to expose the maximum amount of marrow. To prepare, roast with salt, pepper and herbs, then spoon the savory filling onto crusty bread for an indulgent treat. Here is the link Beef Meaty Soup Bones - Harvested from the front quarter of our 100% pasture raised beef

The Number One Comment

Last week I mentioned that our team would be cutting & packing our beef this past Thursday & Friday. Jake of course, with15 years experience, was well prepared for what to expect. And, he complemented our team before he left Friday afternoon that he really enjoyed working with everyone and how hard they worked as well as how eager they were to learn. The ladies that were here helping all had experience is gardening, canning, and processing deer, chickens, and etc. for their families. So, they know about work. Well, late morning on the first day I started hearing conversation amongst the ladies and as I listened the common theme was

Spring Time Is Busy On The Farm

At the farm, we all look forward to Spring. Warmer and longer days mean the grass will grow and take care of the cows vs. hay. This is really important because the mama cows start calving early February. This year we had 47 calves born in less than 20 days. Here is a picture of one that was posing for the camera.

Teach A Man To Fish

Sometime just before I started the 8th grade we moved to what is now the farm. During the summer before we actually moved, my family would drive down from the Richland area and plant, care for, and then harvest a rather large garden. This was my first introduction to "the garden"! And, boy I was not happy.... I especially remember the bush butterbean rows. There were FOUR of them a mile long (or so it seemed). One row was all mine to pick and it took all morning (although it seemed much longer). Beans from all four rows were put into empty 100# feed sacks called croaker sacks. Once the picking was completed then they had to be shelled. Yep!

News From Around The Farm

Remember, last week I mentioned we had some exciting news about our red meat processing plant. Well, here goes... The new plant in Leaksville will also harvest our beef, pork, and lamb - then chill the carcasses a few days before I come and pickup the quarters, etc. and bring back to my plant for further processing. Additionally, last Thursday a butcher by the name of Jake visited our farm & plant and has agreed to work with us to cut/pack our animals. Jake has 15 years of experience and brings a lot of talent to the table.

Field Day At Nature's Gourmet Farm

"I love how your emails are written to friends and not strangers. Makes me feel like part of the community! All our best, Cricket" OK, so today's newsletter is a follow up from our soil test that was completed last December and culminates with a discussion around a farmer field day we hosted at our farm February 21st with Dr. Allen Williams. If you like to garden then you will appreciate the "educational" aspect of today's newsletter. The reason for taking the soil test was to see why our grass was not growing like it should. With the warmer winter

What's Up With Our EGG Supply?

Trust me, folks have been contacting me about our tight (sold out) position on eggs. Many customers let us know they really enjoy reading about our farm in the weekly Newsletter each Saturday. But, did you know the newsletter also contains a section titled "Product Availability Update"? This is where I let you know relevant details about restock dates, product issues, and etc. Here is the latest news about our eggs: Eggs - Our "girls" are working hard to catch up after the holiday sales and ask for your patience. Please check each Wednesday just before YOUR delivery. Here is a bit more details about egg availability (also known as supply chain interruptions).

Is Mississippi A Food DESERT?

First, let me say thank you! Last week we added two items (smoked ham and leg quarter bundle) to our website. In one weeks time all of the smoked hams sold and about 180 packs of leg quarter sold. Amazing. We are blessed that you found these offers a benefit for your family. So, what would you say? Is Mississippi a Food DESERT? According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) define a food desert as an area that has either a poverty rate greater than or equal to 20% or a median family income not exceeding 80% of the median family income in urban areas, or 80% of the statewide median family income in nonurban areas.

Announcing TWO New Items

A few weeks ago I mentioned we were preparing more Smoked Hams from our latest harvest of Pastured Pigs. Well, we completed the cure & smoke process and have them packaged and added to our website. If you are interested in buying one of our pastured pig smoked hams simply CLICK HERE. Everyone has their favorite cut of chicken. For some it is the wings (always sell out first), others it is the breast (also sells out fast). At the end of the line is the leg quarter. However, many people (including Beth & me) prefer the leg quarters. If that includes you then you'll be glad to know about our new Leg Quarter Bundle.

Very Hardy Animals

Up until about 3 or 4 weeks ago we were experiencing a very mild winter. According to NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center — a division of the National Weather Service, above-average temperatures are favored across the South and most of the eastern U.S. as La Nina climate conditions have emerged for the second winter in a row. La Nina has moved the jet stream further north allowing warmer air in our area. But, like it does, weather cycles and the cold moved in.

An Ounce Of Prevention

An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure! Boy, how many times did I hear that growing up.... Perhaps the use of the phrase came from my parents interest in Prevention magazine - that was founded in 1950 by J. I. Rodale and was based on his interest in exploring the connection between human health and organic agriculture. No matter the source, the principle is very true. Whatever amount you may spend to prevent an accident, illness, or even death - the cure (if there is one) would cost many times more. This principle drives a lot of what we do here on the farm. Some examples: 1) Our Soil -