Restock Dates: Please see our Farm Blog where we post our weekly newsletter for the latest updates

A Precious Few

Last weeks newsletter about the young couple in North AL who decided to quit farming after 6-years sparked a higher than usual read rate as well as email comments back to me. Kate, a Gulfport customer, had this to say; Pardon me, I hit reply all as we need to build community around our regenerative farmers! I believe the fake meat movement will bring customers running to your farm…. Your delivery service is quite a plus…I hope it brings you joy to meet your customers. I am in for the long haul, but

Another Farmer Decides to Quit!

This week a farmer friend told me about a direct market farm in N. Alabama that has decided to quit! The farm, DSR Farms in Danville started 6-years ago and based on photos from their website and FB were hard workers, doing a lot of the right things, and making a positive difference in their local markets. Initial communication suggested the decision goes back to the 2020 pandemic stress caused by big processors who shut their plants - leaving consumers desperate to find meat. Thursday, they hosted a podcast and listed the following factors as key to their decision: - more money working for someone else (he used to do heavy metal work)

Duh! It's The Production Method...

In the June issue of ACRES USA the editor discusses, a food website, recent announcement they would no longer feature beef recipes. The Epicurious editors explained their new policy this way: "This decision was not made because we hate hamburger. Instead, our shift is soley about sustainability, about not giving airtime to one of the world's worst climate offenders. We think of this decision as not anti-beef but rather pro-planet." Sorry, But that's hogwash! Animals - cattle, chickens, pigs, etc. - aren't inherently the problem. The problem is the cruelty with which many are treating them.

Announcing TWO NEW Beef Products

Last week we cut and packed eight pigs from our farm. Additionally, we cut and packed our first two beef from our farm. During the process we were discussing how families love our premium beef for its versatility. That's why we're offering these two new products you are sure to enjoy.

Three BIG Summer Holidays Coming Up! Are You Ready?

So, Are you ready for the Three BIG Summer Holidays coming up? They are Memorial Day, Father's Day, and Fourth of July. They are among the biggest grilling days of the year. And, your farmer has worked hard to restock beef & pork this week to meet your needs. Please check out the restock details in the Product Update section below.

An Update On The "On-Farm" Slaughter Trailer

As you know, earlier this year we built a carcass aging cooler and fabrication room to process our beef and pork on-farm. What made this possible was when Blue Sky Farms in Jackson decided to purchase a "Mobile Slaughter Trailer". After many delays the company finally delivered the trailer Friday, May 14th. Following our deliveries to the Jackson Metro area last Saturday, Beth and I stopped by to take a look.

What's Behind Increased Meat Prices?

It is a joy to have Beth working with me on the farm. Frankly, we make a great team. ​ With the increased business she has been traveling with me to make our weekly deliveries. Between stops we have time to talk and discuss stuff without interruptions. An added benefit is she sometimes reads informative articles to me like the one from meatingplace magazine that I'll take the details from for today's newsletter. We are already hearing from customers how meat prices in the grocery stores have increased. And, our feed supplier has communicated that it is only a matter of time before he will have to raise our feed prices (used for hens, broilers, and pigs). According to the meatingplace article - Corn prices were $5.3825

Regenerative Farming Described At Nature's Gourmet Farm

So, what is the BIG deal about regenerative farming and how does your farmer define regenerative farming? Regenerative farming holds the key to proper stewardship of the land, water - really the total ecosystem entrusted to those who choose to farm. Only through regenerative farming is carbon in the atmosphere captured by the plants, stored in the soil, and used by soil biology. Let me explain! All plants sequester carbon- even grain commodities like corn and soybeans. However, conventional farming practices of heavy tillage releases all the sequestered carbon back to the atmosphere, negating any benefit.

Picture Updates From Around The Farm

This week I would like to share some pictures from around the farm. The first picture is of an American Bald Eagle who has been visiting us over the past 4 to 5 months. I typically see him about four times per week and usually in the early morning while out feeding the pigs. This particular morning he let me get much closer and I was able to get a good picture of him. Fortunately, he has not bothered any of our chickens.

An Update On Our Red Meat Plant

April 12th I took 10 pigs to Homestead for slaughter and then brought them back to our plant for further processing. Eric & i had to man-handle the carcass halves from my freezer trailer into the carcass cooler because all of the rail hangers had not arrived. We cut & packaged two pigs on Tuesday afternoon, three Wednesday and five on Thursday. Saturday, Beth and Amy started the sausage making while I made the Jackson Metro deliveries. This lasted ONE hour before the mixer grinder quit! The first week we were able to put all the fresh cuts into the freezer. Bacons and hams were in the brine (a one week process) as well as hams.

What Do You Know About "Greenwashing"?

So, what IS Green Washing? According to Wikipedia Green Washing, also called "green sheen", is a form of marketing spin in which green PR and green marketing are deceptively used to persuade the public that an organization's products, aims and policies are environmentally friendly. While the term may be relatively new - the deceptive corporate practices are not. And, Green Washing posses a major threat to regenerative farms who are truthful in their practices and communication... because many people will fall for the deceptive spin and opt for the cheaper price offered. Here are a few examples:

Mexico's President "Get's It"

This day and time for a politician to stand up and decide against very strong corporate lobbyist is unheard of. But, that is exactly what Mexico's President recently did. And, I applaud him for his decision. Here are excerpts from an article titled "Mexico's Decision to Ban Glyphosate Has Rocked the Agribusiness World." "Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador quietly rocked the agribusiness world with his New Year’s Eve decree to phase out use of the herbicide glyphosate and the cultivation of genetically modified corn. His administration sent an even stronger aftershock two weeks later, clarifying that the government would also phase out GM corn imports in three years and the ban would include not just corn for human consumption but yellow corn destined primarily for livestock. Under NAFTA, the United States has seen a 400% increase in corn exports to Mexico, the vast majority genetically modified yellow dent corn.