Coming and Going Farm Update
A short TEN years ago we sold our 1st Grass-Fed Beef! That same year we also cleared and prepared 75 acres of additional pasture. By 2012 we started raising pastured chickens and cleared and prepared 35 acres of additional pasture. Pigs came the next year and in 2015 we purchased 52 acres that joined our farm. Beth mentioned the other day that it was FOUR years ago this month that we travelled to Seven Sons to look into raising eggs. By Spring of 2017 we had our first flock. Did you know that our farm was one of the early adapters with Seven Sons and GrazeCart for our website that we started January 2016 - almost FIVE years ago. Followed by our deliveries that summer when we switched from selling custom half & whole beef & pigs to mostly selling retail cuts. And, ALL raised and finished on our farm.