ANNOUNCING Exciting Changes Coming In 2020 For NGF Customers
Hello from Ben. I want to take a few minutes to highlight some changes coming in 2020 that we are making to better serve our growing customer base. First, we are pleased to announce that our oldest son, Eric, has joined our farm. His priority will be managing the hen & egg business, helping with daily chores for meat chickens, and operate as a backup to me as needed. EGGS - we will double egg production beginning by March. A second hoop structure has been ordered for pickup the first week of December and new hens will arrive the first week of January. We appreciate your patience. MEAT CHICKENS - with our new plant we can now process an unlimited number of chickens. Demand is strong - we sold out of the pieces in less than 1 hour last Friday evening. Many of you missed an opportunity to place an order and we receive calls and emails daily. That said, we will continue to raise and process chickens through the winter months. We have a batch on pasture now plus two batches in the brooder. For 2020, we expect to