Restock Dates: Please see our Farm Blog where we post our weekly newsletter for the latest updates

Around The Farm Updates

Good Morning from the farm! Praise Lord for He is faithful. What an amazing week! What's so amazing? Well, NGF Customers are "The Best". The number of website orders were 73% higher than our previous high month. Plus, nine customers picked up chicken frozen on the delivery route. I'll be honest. I was really concerned about keeping on schedule. Even though Beth & I had planned and worked to make sure everything was accounted for, all I could think about was

ORGANIC Glyphosate?

Hey, Ben here -this week I want to share a story written by another farmer. We've shared other farmer stories from time to time as our belief is as "real food" farmers we should be collaborative and not competitive! Besides, I certainly do not have all the knowledge, ideas, etc. We learn from each other. The farmer who wrote this piece is none other than the renowned Joel Salatin himself, the farmer/writer/philosopher of Polyface Farm. Some folks call Joel the most famous farmer in the world, or the most eclectic thinker from Virginia since Thomas Jefferson. Joel calls himself a Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist lunatic farmer. I call him my most influential pasture mentor as well as one of my favorite writers. After reading several of his books Beth & I visited his farm July 2011 along with 1,998 other interested folks.

2019 0420 Farm News & Updates

this week I want to share a farm visit we had from Eric & Morgan, a young couple who lives on the Gulf Coast and are expecting their first child. Eric called a few days earlier to schedule a time to visit. When they arrived I asked their interest and he shared they wanted to start eating local because they have concerns about eating industrial Ag food, especially now expecting their new baby. So, I took them around and showed them what we do, how we handle the animals, and why we pay attention to the details. When Morgan saw the chickens she commented,

Important Ag News!

This week Ben shares information on three important agriculture topics. First up is the USDA releases the 2017 Census of Agriculture. Next, pork prices are called higher due to African Swine Flu that will put a serious supply strain on all animal proteins in 2019. Lastly, The USDA FSIS responds to a Washington Post article on pork inspection rule changes. We hope you find this helpful.

Around The Farm Updates

This week I want to update you on various farm activities. The very wet fall & winter we had was hard on our farm. But, Spring is here and it seems El Nino may be moving on. Our diverse forage pastures are responding very good to the warmer temperatures and sunshine and providing plenty of lush grasses and legumes for our steers and nursing momma cows! Sows are busy raising their next litter. Baby pigs are so fun to watch - and fast. They can really scoot. The faster they scoot the faster their oink, oink! The hens are awesome. They hit the ground at daylight

Homestead Farm & Packing Video Tour

This week I went to Lucedale to visit with Ethan & his team of artisan meat cutters to shoot a short video of them cutting and packing Nature's Gourmet Farm beef. Unfortunately, because of background noise, we were not able to use some of the audio & video of an important conversation we had. Basically, I was discussing how important it is to let the beef mature before processing. Literature I read when we first started said "at 1000 pounds he's ready to go". Well, that is not true. Two years ago we learned from Dr. Williams (who sells his beef to white table cloth restaurants) that

Depot Kitchen Head Chef Visits NGF

Hey, Ben here - this week we had a special visit from one of our restaurant partners, Mr. Josh Casper who is the Head Chef for the Depot Kitchen in Downtown Hattiesburg located across from the Train Depot. They have been buying our eggs for just over a year now. This was a great opportunity to get to know Josh as well as show him our farm and learn how we can better work together to bring healthy food to people's plates. After the tour, I was able to record a short interview. Please click the video link to hear directly from Josh to include upcoming menu changes that includes more business for our farm.

Dr. Zack Bush on Farmer's Footprint

Hey, Ben here - we hear from our customers that food is a subject that seems so simple, yet is so hard for many. Farmers and consumers alike are confused by debates about what's right or healthiest for people, livestock, and our environment. What was once natural and intuitive for hundreds of years has become the subject of intense nutritional research and government intervention. It is mind boggling to think that people do not know how to eat healthy without the USDA food pyramid or reading diet books. What customer do know, just by looking around, is that something is broken. They know

Springtime On The Farm

Springtime is my favorite time of the year because it's the time of new life - the days are getting longer, sunshine is bright and warm, the grass greens up, trees are budding and adding new leaves, flowers are blooming, bees and other insects are about their task, and it is calving time. Calving started right on time this year. About 75% of the cows had calved in the first 21 days. Calves are a lot of fun to watch. Let me explain. Imagine about 70 kindergartners on the playground. We have observed one group of calves playing together, but

Video "How We Move Our Hens on Pasture" & Egg Sale

We hope you watch and enjoy our video on how we move our laying hens on pasture. In this video we show you how we move our laying hens on pasture and describe why this KEY management strategy is so important to hen health as well as the quality of their eggs - Hint: Because movement mimics nature by breaking the parasite cycle. You also can see how they forage the diverse plants we seed for them. The hens work very hard each day scratching for bugs. Field mice are fair game as well. Beth really enjoys her hens and takes very good care of them. We do this (rotation) for all our animals - beef, pork, and chickens. Not only does it break the parasite cycle for herd health, but it is a key regenerative soil health tool as well.

Broiler Chicken Schedule & Eggs

How to Buy Real Pastured Poultry - Since the season for raising (buying) pastured broilers is here I wanted to share buying tips from the American Pastured Poultry Producers Association: Do the birds live outside on pasture? Expectation: You're looking for an answer that demonstrates the flock is raised outside on pasture for a significant portion of it's life. The farmer will have a movable pasture shelter that provides protection from weather and predators. Beware: Pastured poultry is seasonal, so if you live in a cold weather climate, be wary of buying fresh poultry meat at market in the cold months. This could indicated non-local or non-pastured product. Where were the birds raised? Expectation: Pastured poultry excels

Farm Updates & News

You may have noticed feed bins in the background of last weeks picture of the steers. Friday, we completed 1 of 2 major projects at the farm by installing bulk feed bins. We decided to collaborate with Resaca Sun Feeds to become a distribution feed hub for four of their feeds - Layer, Swine, Chick Starter, and Broiler Grower. All feeds are NON-GMO Project Verified! For most farms who want to raise and direct market pasture raised products soon find the number one barrier to entry is the cost of feed including transportation. Bulk deliveries helps solve this problem. Additionally, Resaca Sun has a strong commitment to support small direct market farms. They are actively engaged in growing quality feedstock and