Restock Dates: Please see our Farm Blog where we post our weekly newsletter for the latest updates

Farm Updates + Custom Beef & Pork

Farm Updates! - Our steers are really looking good! The above picture was taken Monday, January 28th when I moved them into the next pasture. Our grass is coming along OK as well. Our mama cows started calving right on schedule Feb. 1st. About 20% have calved to date. Change Part II - Two weeks ago I started a series of thought regarding change and that to farm regenerative we had to change our source of information because over 95% of the mainstream articles & research does not apply. The same applies with customers. To improve your health requires you to change your source of information - like and The Weston Price Foundation. Two local health care practitioners are Dr. Rebecca Boyd with Forward Health Solutions and Laurie Ryba with Enhanced Wellness of Oak Grove. To operate a regenerative farm

Your "Magic Pill" Moment

Your "Magic Pill" Moment - last week I wrote that to convert my farm from a "factory farm" to "regenerative farm" I had to change my source of information and made the case that the same was true for consumers - that if you want to improve your health you must change your source of information. Have you had your "Magic Pill" moment yet? The Magic Pill is a documentary on NetFlex (free) about the health benefits of eating Real Farm Food! The movie starts by interviewing people with various health issues. They help educate them on why eating Real Farm Food is so much better for you then eating processed food stuff. Refrigerators and cabinets are cleaned out of processed food and restocked with Real Farm Food. In some cases they provided training on how to cook Real Farm Food. Then, after a period of time they return and interview the families again to see how it was going. In every case the results were AMAZINGLY positive. Read this blog for more information. Thursday, a woman from Laurel called

Farm Updates

It's hard to believe, but April will mark 2-years since we started the egg business. Today I am travelling to Macon, GA to pickup our next order of egg cartons. Amazing. CHANGE - most folks do not like change especially when the change is drastic! When we first decided to farm regenerative the first thing we had to do was CHANGE our source of information. Well over 95% of the information about farming does not apply to farming regenerative. Our primary resources for regenerative agriculture include Acres USA magazine, Graze, and The GrassFed Exchange. That's also why I came up with these 4-criteria to filter the information I use on the farm: 1) do they own the land 2) do they own the animals 3) do they put their own capital at risk 4) are they successful.

Guest Newsletter Contributor

Guest Contributor! - Larry sent a reply to last weeks newsletter on Expectations and gave me permission to share with you this week. Hello Ben and Beth! I always appreciate your emails and updates, along with the 'editorial' aspects of the posts. In your January 12, 2019 post you mentioned

Farm Updates & Sale Items

Farm Updates! - Last week I mentioned we had added a lot of new customers on our website. Well, for January delivery day we had a "record number" of orders placed and 25% were 1st time orders. Several of our regular folks contacted me that they had to much going on or wanted to wait until eggs were available to place their order or there would have been many more. We are very appreciative of the confidence placed in us to provide your family quality beef, pork, chicken, and eggs. Sale Items! -

Farm Updates & NY Resolutions

Farm Updates! - What will our winter weather forecast be? The Old Farmers Almanac predicted a colder than normal winter. The New Farmers Almanac was calling for a milder winter. And, the Climate Prediction Center predicted that a weak El Nino would develop the fall of 2018. So, what is an El Nino? El Nino is an ocean-atmosphere climate interaction that is linked to periodic warming in sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific. During the winter, typical El Nino conditions in the U.S. can include wetter-than-average precipitation in the South and drier conditions in parts of the North. ***I would say CPC nailed it*** Wetter conditions however is an understatement!

Old Farmer Wisdom!

OLD FARMER WISDOM! - My first cousin sent me this and I thought it was well worth sharing as we approach 2019 and think about New Years Resolutions. I hope you enjoy as well... * Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong. * Keep skunks and bankers at a distance. * Life is simpler when you plow around the stump. * A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.

Around the Farm Updates

Around the Farm Updates! - Can you believe we are at the end of 2018! Where has the time gone? THANK YOU to many loyal customers (and many new customers) Nature's Gourmet Farm has had a record sales year. The number of folks reading our newsletter has increased as well as the number of customers signed up on our website. We have a passion for regenerating

You Should Not Have to Wonder if Your Food is Safe!

You Should Not Have to Wonder if Your Food is Safe! - Weekly I receive notices of product recalls from the USDA. Here is the latest report I received December 5th - JBS Tolleson, Inc., a Tolleson, Ariz. establishment, is recalling approximately 12,093,271 pounds of non-intact raw beef products that may be contaminated with Salmonella Newport. Dr. Mercola explains Why Contamination Affects Such Large Amounts of Meat - "The answer is quite simple. While many think of a pack of ground beef as

Poultry Update & New Product Announced

Poultry Update - The meeting did happen this week! Not much to report other than we have progress but, there is work yet to be done! Mark Leggett (pictured above) is obviously a greedy man! He is the president of the MS Poultry Assn. and the lead opponent against changing the poultry regulations in MS to equal the Federal Exemption of 20,000 per year. He mostly represents poultry processors

Around The Farm Happenings

Poultry Update - We patiently await the Commissioner's decision on regulation change for pastured poultry. For the past several years we have worked with Senator's Hudson & Hill to change the regulation to be in line with the Federal Exemption vs. 1000 per year. Following our last time to testify before the Senate Ag Committee, Commissioner Gipson communicated he thought the state agriculture department needed to change department regulations vs. a new state law. He asked for time to study the situation. (see Commissioner Gipson's visit to NGF June 2018 above)

A Thanksgiving Treat

A Thanksgiving Treat! - Cotton Blues has been buying our eggs since we added the hens to our farm and using them in their baking enterprise. I really like lemon pie!!! Last year we bought one of their lemon pies to share at our Thanksgiving meal. This pie is "The Best" lemon pie ever.